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Rules for when You're Alone

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Guest Ginger-Kit22

So I know there's a rules topic floating around somewhere but I couldn't seem to find it? That and what I have a question about isn't quite just... Rules for a Little while they're alone. It's kind of got a base with my anxiety and stress too. Please lock this topic or let me know if there's a similar thread roaming around please! I'm really hoping this is the right area too?


Basically, I'm looking for rules that can kind of help me (Or others) to feel productive throughout the day. I know of some basics, like making your bed, eating, things like that, but are there others you can think of? I'm kind of healing from surgery atm so I'm limited as to what I can do (no walking too much, weight limit to lifting, no working out). It's really getting to me stress and anxiety wise and I've been having a few 'meltdowns' every day or so.


Any suggestions would be very, very much appreciated!! Thank you guys!

Guest LavanderRabbit
A big rule for me is don't talk to strangers when you're alone (unless you're at work) and don't let anyone know where you live, but that's more so an over all rule.
My standard rule for life is learn something new every day. This can be anything from a new concept to a new technique. If you can focus your mind on something new and exciting then the mind can't focus on what might trouble you. I'll be honest this stems from working around my depression. As long as I can focus I'm good. Hope that help a bit!

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