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littles and middles with jobs.......help?

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Guest Wolfsbabylove

I'm having trouble fitting DDlg into other factors of my life. first it was in my parenting. but once I eased up and relaxed its getting easier and better. now, its with my job. I'm in a career where I have to act and look professional to be taken seriously. I want to be able to let my middle show while still fitting the part at my job. any thoughts? I feel as if I'm struggling with what I feel and what society wants from me. so if you have any advice that would be great. how do you balance work life and being little?


Unfortunately, I can't offer much advice in this area. When I'm out in the "real world", I pretty much just hide my little side. Being little doesn't fit into the job areas I work in (two in retail and one in food service). It just doesn't lend itself to those jobs in particular. Maybe it depends upon what your career is? I plan on law, so I know that I'll have to stay big during that as well. It's all about creating time for your little side that's separate from your job. 

Guest LavanderRabbit
I used to work for a print center at an office supplies store. I would slip into middle/little space when I was left alone to work on projects. It didn't damage my work and helped me relax when customers weren't around. I would buy stickers and use them all over the place and have coloring pages and crayons for the parents that came in with their kids. I'm not sure what your profession is or your goal, but if you have office space maybe have stickers or something hidden in a drawer. I know a couple littles would use stickers on their calendars and lists and have some cute decorations and the like. Pastel colors in the office aren't a bad thing either so long as it's not to much pink. Cute stationary is a favorite of mine. I do suggest not putting DD/lg in your work life. Work and home should be considered separate in professional settings no matter what. It's okay to have a couple cute things, but you shouldn't mix it.

Maybe planning would be a good idea, specially for your middle side. Planning is so much fun, and it's totally helpful in a demanding work environment. And if you check on pinterest, you'll find that any little/middle related stuff is applicable for planning. Stickers, princess bookmarks, glitter pens, colors, washi tape.... and the list goes on and on. I started planning at work and nobody seems to care that I hse tons of colors and sanrio stuff there. Even my coworkers have complimented me on how cute my planner looks! :heart:

Hope it helps!!


Guest Wolfsbabylove

thanks yall!!! I needed at least alittle advice *hugs*


Well I have a big girl job in a corporate company. I love my job dearly and I understand how hard it is to hide a part of yourself so much. For me it got easier when I just found people I connected with and started to trust me. Eventually I started hanging out with these people outside of work and we all got to know each other better. It became easier for me to sneak small parts of little self out every now and again. And as I slowly open up people got used to my little "quirky" side. Now I'm not little all the time therr, I'm not sure if you want to be or not, but I can say I feel so much lighter being able to let that piece of me breath every once in a while. It ends up being a natural thing and it just kind of slipped out once to be honest. After I realized my coworkers were already so used to my personality they didn't even think about it. No one at my work even knows when I go into it. Sometimes my boss just smiles at me as says "your so goofy" in such a motherly way. XD There are appropriate time and you will be able to tell when and when not to. I suggest starting first with just getting more comfortable with some coworkers and letting it come naturally. I've actually had some of my best ideas my boss has loved because I was accidentally in a little mindset.


Best of luck! If you have any specific questions feel free to add and message me! :)

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