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Have any of you played games by email? These types of game are useful for when there is a big timezone difference between players or you can't always be online at the same time or you just want another way to interact. Of course they're not as sophisticated as you find on steam etc, but can still be fun, especially if there's an agreed prize at stake!


For instance lexulous.com (a Scrabble like game) has an 'over email' option where you have your own game board to play and leave messages. Your opponent gets an email notice when you play so they can go online later and play their turn. (Although I should say sometimes it's word detection isn't perfect and can get frustrating).


It seems that 'Play by Email' (PbEM) or 'Play by Post' (PbP) games are quite established, if you do a web search you'll find lots of options. A lot of them offer role-playing or war/strategy games but you can find board games too.


Here's some of the sites I think are most interesting (usually require free registration):


Hope some of you find this useful.

If you found a game like this you enjoy, share it here!


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