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I'm wanting to be a little. How do I do it? What do I do? How? Please help me. I've recently became very interested and want to get started!!
There's so much fun stuff!! I don't know where to begin!! (I live in the east coast!) But, anyways, there is no specific way to be little. There are many different people with different prospectives and different ways to get into their little space. And by the way, you don't need a caregiver to get into little space. I do have a daddy, but its LD (long distance). But anyways, there are many things one can do to be a little, I love to color, play with my stuffies and I love my pacis!! But not everyone likes these things. You just have to do a little bit of research and figure out what it is you like, and what you don't like!! I'd be glad to talk to you, I'm kind of new to this lifestyle too, but I have found so much stuff about DD/LG or CG/L. It's a fascinating lifestyle, and I'd be absolutely ecstatic to talk to you and help you out!!
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First it might be helpful to do some research that's what I did so I'm still fairly new to all of this but youtube and google can be your bestfriend. I also would subject getting some BDSM books and looking into that some too. 




Hope my little advice helps :D

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