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I have a Mommy, and she's amazing, but we're long distance and that makes the dynamic tough. Lately I've really wanted a Daddy too, but my Mommy gets jealous easily and I wouldn't want her to think that I'm trying to leave her or play favorites. How would you guys bring it up to your SO? Any tips? TIA!

Guest NewYorkDaddy

Tell her and get ready to get dumped. But remember it is better to be honest and live with the consequences than to lie and live a lie. Lies always rear their ugly heads.


I would discuss why you want this and how you could see yourself benefiting from it, then listen to how she feels and why she may not want this, i would thoroughly discuss every aspect of this possible new relation to someone else. Then maybe if you have someone in mind all 3 of you can discuss this, the biggest thing I think of when I think "polyamory" is communication. it's a very tricky thing for some people to understand, especially if they aren't the one wanting this. I hope this helps even a little, i feel like i am always all over the place when i talk to people 

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Your Mommy probably is going to think that you want to break up with her because you're wanting to find another person from what it sounds like. Hopefully though if you tell her your feelings about wanting to add to the dynamic that the two of you have and that you have no intention in leaving her it might ease her mind. Be cautious about it though and understand if she says she isn't okay with the idea. I say don't keep your feelings a secret but also try to not be too hurt if she says no. Being extra upset will also hurt her as well. And adding a new person to the dynamic, or even thinking about it, is hard. Make sure what you have with your Mommy is rock solid first before going and adding something else.

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