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What do yall do when you get nightmares? I can't seem to get calmed down after I have one..

My advise would be to get out of bed. As long as you stay in bed, you stay a little bit sleep groggy, and you can't think rational. Get out of bed, go get something to drink downstairs, something like that. It will waken you a bit more, making you more able to think rationally, and (hopefully) calms you down. Because yeah, nightmares are aweful, and I'm sorry you have them.

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Try praying or read a comforting or encouraging Bible verse.
Guest Princess Dusty

What usually helps me is writing it down. That way in the morning I can look things up and kinda figure out what's going on with it. It usually helps me move past it.


I've been getting so many nightmares after playing this dumb horror game. I get a really unsettling feeling whenever I wake up, so what I do is put on some happy music and distract myself until I forget about it. As long as you don't think about it and try to move past it, you'll feel much better. I think it depends on the nightmare though. Hope you feel better :c

I just try to remember that my Daddy is super powerful and he would never ever let anything hurt me. This thought makes me brave.
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i cuddle wif my stuffies and turn on the lights and sleep wif them on


I have a lot of nightmares, and I also have problems to calm down afterwards, but first of all one tip I´ve gotten to prevent me from nightmares (that works quite well) is not to sleep on your back. I´m not sure, but I think it has to do something with blood circulation or something. And when I do have one, I tell Daddy immediatly and he tells me everything is okay and it was just a dream and he will protect me. I also like to check if people are okay, if I have dreamt that something bad happened to them.

Guest buddhagirl

I wake Daddy up and tell him I had a bad dream. He has me roll over with my back to him and he cradles me and holds me. He reminds me of a lovely memory we share and tells me to think about that and not the scary thing. He tells me, "Daddy is right here and I'll keep you safe. Nothing can hurt you." Stuff like that. He is a life saver. 

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I have nightmares nearly every night. I usually get up and go to the bathroom, or just roll over and go back to sleep. I've had them since I was a kid, so I've just gotten used to them I suppose.


I have quite a long experience with nightmares and I've actually gotten quite used to them over the years. I used to sometimes wake up in fear and unable to move from it. If that happens then I just have to force myself to turn around or at least move around a bit. I guess it helps snapping back from the dreamlike state your brain is in and reassuring yourself you're in control.


First, I'm really sorry you're having nightmares.  I suffer from night terrors so I understand how stressful they can be.  Especially if they have a lingering effect upon you once you're awake and able to think them through.  I always suggest either sitting up for a moment or get out of bed for a little bit.  It kinda helps shakes the nightmare off and allows your brain to refocus off the dream itself.  I believe someone advised writing down the dream, that is also a good idea as later you can always reread what you wrote and try to decipher the dream.  When I'm ready to try and go back to sleep, I do have a small night light that will produce just enough light to give the room a soft glow so I don't feel completely entrapped by darkness and this seems to help some.  Also, I know it's weird, but warm milk also helps me get back to sleep and usually I don't have anymore issues through the night.


I play some disney radioplay (lion king, little mermaid etc.). This makes me happy and I forgett the nightmare.


I get them all the time, what I do usually depends on how bad it was, but could be any of the following:

  • call Daddy immediately and tell him about it; have him stay on the phone while i go back to sleep if he can
  • turn on all the lights or the TV and go back to sleep
  • watch something funny on TV to get my mind off of it
  • change where I'm sleeping; go to another room, or lay on the couch
  • and if it's really bad, stay up til the sun comes up and go to bed then :/


I've had them for years and they don't seem to be going away any time soon, but these tricks usually work for me :)

I wake up Daddy and he calms me down and tells me that it didn't happen and that he'll protect me from any harm and then we cuddle and I get my Bunny and then I feel protected and yeah.
Guest SweetKitten
I get out of bed and write it down. Or since I usually keep a book by my bed like she'll Silverstein or A Work In Progress by Connor Franta. That usually helps me.
Nightmares are the worst! :( I have really bad insomnia (I go 2-3 days without any sleep at all at least every other week, with less severe bouts in between), so I take a lot of NyQuil which is nightmare-inducing. I also just have nightmares as is (that's one of the reasons I have insomnia). I have lots of alpaca stuffies in my bed so I just cuddle with them and try to imagine having a daddy who would scoop me up and make the scaries go away. Sometimes if I can think about that hard enough, I calm down and fall back asleep. The trick is to imagine everything in perfect detail, and focus on it really hard.

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