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UK Little and Big Meet idea? (Disney on Ice)

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Sorry if this is not allowed  :blush:


This just an idea but I was wondering if there were anyone from the West Midlands (UK) who would be interested in having a meetup to see Disney on Ice at the Genting Arena in Birmingham, UK (near the NEC). This would be something for littles and any mummies/daddies/caregivers that like Disney. The dates for the show are 6-10 April 2016, the times will be confirmed closer to the time and ticket prices are on the website. (£19.18 - £46.62)




Would anyone be interested in going to this and if yes what date would work best for you?  :)

  • Like 1

I want to see who else is interested too so I can ask work for the day off and organise it a bit better :D


Oh my goodness...I would absolutely love to do this but I'll be at home during those dates, so getting to Birmingham might be a bit of a struggle :/

Brilliant idea though!


NotQuiteRapunzel that's fine. I think they do the same event again in Birmingham in November but not sure of the dates this year but I can keep you updated if you would like?

Guest littlebitty
Eeep! Great stuff....last time I went I spilled my slushy drink down a bald mans head as it started. I wont do that this time, Il try not too :-)
  • 3 months later...
Guest TetraKitten

Did you manage the meet?

I'd be interested if you did another one ^-^

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