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am i alone?

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sorry.... i havent really posted a whole lot cuz i feel i am kinda different than the majority of people here.. while it may not be good or bad.. i just have a hard time relating to some and am afraid if i say too much someone might take it the wrong way. i have dealt with a lot of judgmental people in my life both online and offline... some people have the attitude of if anyone has an issue and they cry about it or talk about it or say anything about it they are just looking for attention or they always have a sob story.. so i tend to keep to myself a lot... because i have a bad habit of... taking things to heart... or too personally too often....  i have DID. Disassociation Identity Disorder.. it is what used to be called multiple personality disorder. so i have a lot more "littles" than the average person.. i have a hard time feeling like i fit in anywhere... i have parts that are into BDSM aspect.. and some that are just kids... that need the structure and sometimes discipline that can sometimes relate to a ddlg "lifestyle" as they are in an adult body.  


it can feel intimidating easily at times.. but i am trying to make some friends because its hard to make friends when you only leave your room to go to therapy appointments 2 times a week.. so.. yeah..  anyone else have a hard time reaching out and or making friends? or is this even the right place for me to be?... 




Guest Pouty Kitten
You are absolutely not alone! There are a lot of friendly people on here (including myself) that are willing to listen and support those in need. I know it may be hard to speak out in fear of judgment but I promise that most people aren't judging you- especially on a BDSM related site :)

 You're certainly not alone. One of my close friends here has DID as well, so there's no need to feel isolated. This is a very friendly and accepting community, and I have no doubts you will make lots of good friends here. :D

Guest Elencha

I sometimes have a hard time reaching out to make friends myself, not because I have any sort of disorder but just because I spend a lot of time in my own head hyperanalyzing every response I get or may get. Which, now I think on it, may just be a disorder after all. lol Anyway, my point is, we're all pretty friendly around here. I think you will find more curiosity than scorn, and possibly more support than you need. <grin> Even the littles among us tend to be aggressively protective of our members.


Actually, I have DID myself! Two of my personalities are children (Aged 5 and 10). I understand completely the difficulties this can bring as I have an interest in DDLG but if I had a caregiver it would be very important that they understood my mental illness and how my two child personalities need to be differentiated from DDLG and approached differently. I'm sorry that it's been difficult for you to make friends, I know the feeling! People in real life and online can be very cruel especially if someone is different from the norm, but I'm sure you're a lovely person. So far the community here has seemed to be very friendly and understanding, really a safe place! I think you'll be able to find a good few people here  :)


Just remember to stay positive and make good decisions for yourself!


thank you guys.. i really appreciate the kind words... my main ones are 2,5,8,10,14 and 16.. lydia is 5 she is like the default.. i have a boyfriend right now.. things are okay but he doesnt totally understand things but he is trying and i feel anyone willing to even attempt to be in a relationship with me is worth giving a try. but it has definitely been some struggles as we both deal with things very differently with every day things and then in and out of the lifestyle differently.. and yeah.. just not sure what direction to go in. he wants to be daddy to lydia and he can be great at it when he applies himself... 

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