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Good morning Sunshines, or good afternoon where you might be in this beautiful world!

Over the past few days I have noticed so many posts over the same situations. The main one of being not heard, not valued, not seen and not loved.

My first thought as a Mommy was where did we as Dom's go wrong? My second thought was how heartbreaking for all these sweet innocent littles and some Dom's to feel this way. 

Where did we go wrong in this community? When did we solely want our partner to only be seen or heard when it's convenient for us? 

Yes I understand sometimes people don't mesh, sometimes they don't click and they have to leave. But that doesn't mean the other person loses their value or worth on who they are. 

As a Mommy I know I am not a perfect fit for every little out there, I talk way too much, I love to dance in the middle of the store and I am about as Dominant as a squirrel on a fence post. (And I get distracted so easily)

But that doesn't mean I don't care or see all you beautiful people on here. Or that I don't want my future little to know I need them and I love them. 

It's so heartbreaking to read what is happening to all of you. The pain is so real and raw I cried so much reading them.

None of you are a bother, you do matter, your fears are valid, your worries are not stupid and your health is important.

I see you, I hear you, I value you and I care about all of you. 

On behalf of every Dom on here, we love all of you, we care about you, we want you to succeed and we want to show you how much we need you. Don't give up on us, because we won't ever give up on you. 

Until we meet again remember you matter, you are loved and you are so worthy of being loved 💕 


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"Where did we as Dom's go wrong?"

Unfortunately, in just the short time I've been on this site, I've noticed a lot of people coming over here merely pretending to be Doms. A lot of (mostly) men who are upset about not getting any attention from the vanilla subs over on sites like Fetlife, so they come here and try to take advantage of the more vulnerable sub Littles in our community. It really bothers me to see this going on, but the only thing I can do is report the toxic creeps as I see them.

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@.คℓ𝐞メเᏰααα .ᐟ I couldn’t agree more!

we are a community, we are one big family! We should be doing our best (if we can that is) to watch out for one another!


@MommyDom41 your words are spot on! I will do my best going forward to see people, to help them and support them! Humans are so complex and the range of feelings we have are phenomenal! While we are on this subject can I also say I see you too? I don’t feel someone as awesome as you really believes when people tell you how amazing you are! I have recently started a dynamic, my little means everything to me and I would hate to think she didn’t feel valued or seen! I am going to go message her right now and tell her this!! Again thank you for your kind words, your guidance and the support you show not only me but everyone on this forum we are lucky to have you here 

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@.คℓ𝐞メเᏰααα .ᐟ you words are so true, we don't need pretend Doms we need actual Doms who care and actually need someone to love

Thank you for being you and for helping so many on here 

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@-Soul- I am so happy for you and your little, they are lucky to have you. 

And it's hard to believe that I am amazing, its easier to put my love and energy into someone else, then for myself.

That being said, thank you for being there for everyone and for just being you. 

We see you Soul and we value you as well! 

Thank you for helping those in need 

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Real Doms are supposed to be pillars of the community. We are not just control freaks in romantic settings. But sadly, a lot of these people don't seem to understand that, either by inexperience or personal choice.

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thankyy mommdydom, it realls means a lot to us littles, we just want to be loved.
And havin a mommy or daddy who isn´t as dominant, for me personally is the best thing ever and for alot of other littles propably too, you are perfect just how you are and your words comforts sooo mannyyyy of us, really, please stay the way you are, as long as mommys exist like you do, we will never give up 😊

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Hear hear! 👏 Isolation and feeling alone are the worst. 💔 I appreciate this forum so much for the connections we can make by reaching out to one another.

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