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Vincent's poems :3

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Posted (edited)

I apologize in advance if these are a bit confusing or weird, haha. I just have a different style, I guess. I hope it's ok! Some of these are older and could probably be written better, but I don't want to change my original intent. Anyway! I'll start with just a couple and add more later. :3




(It's Only Forever)


     it's the wild of
your hair, thrown about
  the limbs
              tangled in the leaves
      the black of
your teeth, your open mouth
  frightening the birds
               chasing off sleep
         i'll call out for you if
         you call out for me!
when we're younger, meeting you
                in the mulberry tree
                           sticky fingers
                           sticky mouths
   sweet, sweet, sweet!





(We Greet The Giant)


you make a pretty wolf
bent over and shy

'how we are sad, crooked as trees'

wagging haunt tail
howling hurt lies

our games are violent, fantastic charades--burning, burning!
always at the feet of the other, tumble through nestled hair
like distant waves come afar from distant shores
we never know where!
such beautiful sighs escaping your mouth, dearest, how i envy
oh sister of mine, take a bite, take a bite! trap me, trap me!
find a place behind your teeth and hold me there

the longest of nights are spent tending to wounds
natural things--'let's see how long we can go without rest!'
speaking wildly of escape, making plans
fueling the fear of success!
such intoxication, such wild eyes! dearest, how we find
our minds are all make-pretend and there are no bounds
to how far we could fall if only we tried!

'then let us!'
'let us what?'
'let us forget! let's not believe!'
'i don't understand'
'idiot, let's leave!'

how cruel she can be, but who am i to argue--burning, burning!
of course we must leave! our gods are tiny and feral
the garden lay fallow, certainly nothing holds us here
not even our shadows!
'draw closer' your lips do pray, dearest, how they pray
and allow me your hand as we set off for shores
none too distant, but far far away

for all that was left was hunger, it was all that we knew
'wake up, wake up! we're here, we're here!'
our stomachs did cry, and what else did we see
but a castle in the sky!
running on all fours, dearest, how we ran!
storming the palace--both prince and princess
together we ate the king and laughed ourselves to death!

Edited by vincentzzz
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(O Knell!)

that breezy shepherdess smile closing eyes and palms against the wet hot fur of a dog dressed in shepherd's blood craning ear and cheek sprinkled in grass and earth fell the deep sound of his own coarsing veins




(Sleeping Venus)

she comes from the sky
her back to the window
appearing as a silhouette
a white leafed widow

a dreamlike vision
revealed only in sleep (or slumber)
but bringing neither rain
nor thunder

she remains aloof
a s u n d e r
pacing the floor barefoot
leaving me to wonder;

how delicate does her skin remain?

aframe. a frame as frail as
wire. electric impulses
setting my heart
ablaze, afury, afire!

a fire!
burning the edges
of her
body. gown laced in
burning, blazing, starlight fire!

of stars (of us, the light)

starlight.. starlight!
wish i may
wish i might
wish i..


her body
i wish i could feel her
body. her skin;
decaying on mine

oh bring to me her skin
on which i might pray
searching for the light

so that i might see
the diamonds i leave
glistening in starlight
upon her skin, i weave


into her. for her.. for me
so that i might pray--
have something to
b e l i e v e

and the diamonds, the diamonds
i leave. for her i wish
(polishing her skin)
marking her with a kiss

scattering kiss after kiss
a c r o s s
every inch. every inch.
until i stumble
until i hear her call
until i reach her subtle edge
until i fall

and.. break
at the knees
destroying the patchwork

snapping every thread
every seal, except for
one. (i cannot see)
the innocence of her
existing for me

and through my mouth do i taste
a hundred and forty four thousand tears
expanding, contracting
on folds of lace

and still (....)
the seal i do not break
and her voice;
she does not speak

and where her head once lay
i see (i can see!)
strands of her hair
weaving through mine
through me

every morning
she remains aloof
a s u n d e r
a dreamlike vision
revealed only in sleep (or slumber)

and every morning
it's always the same
no thunder.. no rain..
leaving me to wonder;

how delicate does her skin remain?

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Posted (edited)

(Home Is A Glow)

i wish i had a mother
with eyes like a deer
an impossible mouth
sunlight shining thru
flower pattern blouse

days changing with the
washing of sheets, the
washing of dishes with
her long, soapy fingers
i wish i could taste

i wish i could feel
caressing my face
gentle kisses
telling me stories
so that i could forget

and i do.. i do forget
for there is no mother
to be seen
and i am here alone
sitting in the dark

have i gone crazy?
'no' she says, finishing
the dishes and frowning
then with a long, soapy
finger she traced my lips

'you've just grown up'
and for the longest time
she stared at my mouth
before pushing me from
the window of her house





a soft breeze feeling of sunbeam
pushes its way through thin wet sheets
pinned to clothesline by tired hands
wiping away the sweat and shading
the eyes
wooden pegs tucked in her apron
my hands sneaking into her apron
snagging one for myself
as i tread knee-deep in grass, taking flight
waving it triumphantly for her to see
only she does not give chase
but stand with hands on her hips
an expression of slight concern
her smile looking like a grimace
squinting in the light, my eyes only see her
not looking where i'm going
as i step into my own shadow
never to return



[These two are quite old but still sentimental, despite being poorly written. I know these aren't for everyone, so I'll stop posting for now. Sorry! 😶‍🌫️]

Edited by vincentzzz
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