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Hopes for 2025????

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Hello all just your resident Pigtail again.

Sooo this topic is a day early but I wanted all of us to dream together soooo...

What is it you are hoping for 2025? Only posativeity here please!!! Feel free to touch on the bad but this is to feel good and hopeful and look forward.

This can be anything and please feel free to be detailed or vague as you like.

I will start.

I have super high hopes for 2025. No it goes beyond that. I am speaking into existence it will be amazing. Here is what I am wishing for myself.

1. Make some progress in trauma therapy. Things are going so well and I love my therapist so I am hoping this is a year of healing. Where I can take deep breaths and feel good.

2. I want to find my chosen family. I have Daddy but besides that my life is pretty empty of folks as my family has some issues. This year I am hoping I grow enough as a person and am lucky enough to find and keep some close friends and maybe even the caregiver in DDLG I have been looking for so long for. I feel it would really help me heal and enjoy life but I also realize there are things I can do to help it happen and be better for my future people.

3. Enjoy my hobbies. 2024 was a year of stagnation for me and this year I fully plan on reading, hiking, gardening, cooking, crafting, and all the other things I love. I don't wanna regret another moment of my life.

4. Be kinder. I am a kind person but lately I know I havnt been my best. I have been judgey and harsh and even if it is just in my head it is toxic and I am going to love harder this year and work through my feelings

5. Celebrate my faith more. I have already started on this but I wanna lift up myself in worship this year and really hope in on the good feelings I get from that.

I could go on and on but that is enough. This year will be amazing. Let's help lift eachother up and make this happen. I can't wait to hear the amazing things that are going to happen to all of yall.

So get sharing!!!

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I also have high hopes for 2025 tone as active as possible to forage ,garden and fish more the ever before 

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At this point I just hope for mental stability, lol 

Now, to be more specific

1. Therapy. I re-took therapy this month and I plan to continue, I'm hoping to heal and be a better version of myself

2. Reading. I love reading, but I didn't do it much this year, I hope to read more (classic) novels next year

3. I hope to learn new skills and to acquire new knowledge 

4. Hang out with friends. When I'm having a hard time I tend to isolate myself, next year I hope I can learn to ask for help:) 

5. Self-care. This year I prioritized other things and people over myself and lot, so next year I hope to focus more on myself in order to grow and be better:)

I hope you all have a great 2025! ♡ 

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2025 brings feelings of hope.

1. Hope that i will grow and understand myself, my needs, and who I am in middle/Sub existence.

2. To embrace my health, become a healthier version of me. We are never too old or young to look at the mental and physical wellbeing given to us.

3. To find happiness and increase my chosen family with people who will love and accept me for just being me. 

4. To find my Dom/Daddy, may he be someone rich in wisdom, generous in love, and patient as I learn the how of being a sub/middle. May he cherish me as his good girl.

May 2025 be an incredible year for everyone.

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1-) I hope that I will find the right therapist for me for trauma healing. 
2-) I will be able to accomplish my goals of becoming more independent

3-) to fully swap to a vegetarian diet 

4-) to find my perfect Daddy

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I was in and out of education my whole life, so with finally graduating university last year 2025 will be my first full year post-education and in full-time work. I get anxiety at the thought of not being able to separate work from leisure and recreation time as so many people fall into the trap of living to work rather than working to live and it makes them miserable. So I will be dedicating time to exploring my hobbies which includes actually practicing my bass guitar more frequently, hiking at the weekends when weather allows, reading my ever-growing bookshelves, and eventually overnight stays to visit more museums and experiences. With part-time employment and studying previously, I would often be too exhausted to enjoy my evenings or weekends and it severely affected my mental health and motivation, so I'm of the mindset that I need to force myself to do something as a form of self-care to prevent that downward spiral re-occurring, especially now I'll be full-time working for upwards of 30-40 years. It's also so easy to fall into a doom spiral too without a partner or a little, but I recognise finding your human is about the journey and not the destination, so trying to live a fulfilling life independently and taking charge of my own fate is preferable to stewing away in loneliness feeling sorry for myself. I hope everyone else is able to achieve their goals and find peace in 2025.

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 So many awesome things already posted.

 I'm a firm believer that if you put something in writing or tell it to others you are more likely to follow through with it, accountability and all that. 

 My hope for 2025 is that everyone that takes the first step toward having a great year by posting here gets what they are after or more.

 My first goal is to keep growing in my spiritual walk with God. Every day He sees fit to give me is a blessing and I'm not squandering any more of those days because I'm tired or lazy. They are limited.

This year for me is going to be a year of "Push Harder". I have a new business venture starting so I have to push harder to make it successful. Tired ? Oh well, push harder. The only time relax and rest come before success is in the dictionary. 

 I am going to start being more active outdoors even though time seems too short. A short fishing trip in the rain is better than no fishing trip. A fire in the pit in the front yard isn't the same as camping but it's better than sitting on the couch upset that you aren't camping. 

 Let's make 2025 the best year yet. 

And tell someone you love them.



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I got wonderful advice that I should try to make a list of things I wanna do/try instead of just basic goals so I've been thinking about it the last few days and I think I have a list!

1. Visit my sis in Florida! She always flies to me and I think I could do with a well-deserved vacation. 😎

2. Try one new food once a month

3. Get my license and buy a car (long story about the license, don't ask XD )

4. Go to a munch! I've been too shy to go to one but I'm gonna try this year! 

5. Self-care day once a week. I need to work on loving myself more and prioritizing me. 🩷

6. This may be a pipe dream, but go on a date?? Lol! I just wanna dress cute and do something fun with someone interesting. 


I hope everyone has a safe and happy 2025! Happy New Year Cat GIF by chuber channel

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1. loose weight

2. get a new kitten

3. work on myself

4. finished my studies and go to college!

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Yall these are AMAZING!!! It's really inspiring to hear all these and makes me feel excited for all of us.

Don't think this has to stop because it is after the 1st. Feel free to keep adding or update us on how it goes!

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1 hour ago, PigtailPrincess said:

Yall these are AMAZING!!! It's really inspiring to hear all these and makes me feel excited for all of us.

Don't think this has to stop because it is after the 1st. Feel free to keep adding or update us on how it goes!

Yep that important overall to keep a thread like this going just to remind we can start the journey to improving whatever the calendar says

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Let's see

1. Work on myself, well continue too as always

2. Find a mommy or she comes to me.

3. Try to get ahead in life. Keep working on my projects.

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1. Continue to strengthen and grow my relationship with my Wife and my Daddy.

2. Work on improving my cardio to train and restart cross country skiing.

3. Try something new I haven't done before.

4. Re-embrace my gender identity and move back to the healthy place I was before being assaulted this past summer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't have high hopes for the world we live in, but I do have high hopes in my personalized self recovery.

Getting treatment for childhood trauma and strengthening my coping skills- that's what I'm reserving 2025 for, myself.

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I have a few goals! Thanks for asking!

1) finish paying off student loan (little dude is sooooo close)

2) save a certain dollar amount

3) read 60 books (already read 6)

4) work out three days a week

5) do a 5k again (I haven’t done one since 2022)

6) date more lol 

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12 minutes ago, AdorableNancyDrew said:

I have a few goals! Thanks for asking!

1) finish paying off student loan (little dude is sooooo close)

2) save a certain dollar amount

3) read 60 books (already read 6)

4) work out three days a week

5) do a 5k again (I haven’t done one since 2022)

6) date more lol 

Those are great goals good luck!!

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Ooo I love that someone did this! Amazing way to have accountabilabuddies! I saw some one else above do this where its things I wanna do but I have a mix of things i wanna do and goals!

1. Pay off Credit card debt

2. Find my voice again - I have been really passive and have been feeling very walked on both personally and with work. 

3. Take control of my career! - I have been playing it so safe and havent followed any of the dreams I have. Hoping 2025 is the year to make that change!

4. Travel! At least 2 trips, one to Seattle to see my cousin/bestfriend and two would love to go to either London or Edinburgh!

5. Tone and grow the peach!

6. Cage diving with sharks! - I say it every year but this is the year it's going to happen!

7. Have my Belle moment! - Build my dream library!


I wish you all teh best of luck with your goals, dreams and wishes for 2025! This will be a great year!

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The only New Year's Resolution I ever kept was to never make any more New Year's Resolutions. That being said, I am hoping that by the end of 2025, I'll be able to:

  1. Pay off a lingering debt that represents the last connection to my ex-wife.
  2. Make substantial progress on the world building and writing for a novel I'm working on.
  3. Be a serene and positive influence on those around me as best I can in the coming year(s)


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9 minutes ago, DaddyABQ said:

The only New Year's Resolution I ever kept was to never make any more New Year's Resolutions. That being said, I am hoping that by the end of 2025, I'll be able to:

  1. Pay off a lingering debt that represents the last connection to my ex-wife.
  2. Make substantial progress on the world building and writing for a novel I'm working on.
  3. Be a serene and positive influence on those around me as best I can in the coming year(s)


I tend to agree I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions .but I very much believe in self improvement 

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Just now, beanbean said:

I tend to agree I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions .but I very much believe in self improvement 

Absolutely. My determination to not make resolutions was explicitly tied to my desire to continue to be a better person every day. ❤️

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3 hours ago, beanbean said:

Those are great goals good luck!!

Thanks!☺️ I think so too and they’re not like super hard goals/resolutions that dreaming 💭 people typically set up. I wanted small victories this year and basically to get back to what I like doing. Reading 📖 and running 🏃‍♂️ lol with a little financial wisdom sprinkled in

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My 2025 goals are to focus on my health physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Continue with college. Trying not to fall behind.

Stay self-harm free. 

And overall strive to be the best mom and person I can be no matter my limitations. 

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Sending you all the courage and positive thought I can muster in my being . I know you can do this ! 

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1. To work on my mental health

2. to get physically healthier too

3. make more memories especially with those who may not be here much longer

4. discover new music

5. rediscover me (also links in with 1) 

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This years I has a lot of goals but these are the ones I hope for tha most! 

1. Get dentures because my genetic disorder makes my teeth very bads

2. Find a partner or Mommy who respects the boundaries of me an my Dom as well, wes had some bad luck with thats so far

3. Work on my mental healths as tha constant doctors appointments are very hards 

4. Make new friends! 

I hope everyone gets to fulfill their resolutions! Good lucks! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

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