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Are you working on anything to make yourself a better person, and is your Daddy/caregiver helping you out while doing this?


I was just wondering if anyone is working on anything to make themselves a better person. I'm trying to pick my skin less, its a personal habit I want to break. I do it because of anxiety and stuff. So its really hard for me. I've done it since I was in my early teens but its something I really want to stop, and my daddy knows too. So he has been helping me out, and encouraging me when I feel like I've messed up and stuff.


Soo what about you? :)


I'm going to be doing the 30 day self care thing that was shared in the chat the other day. <3 


Ugh, skin picking is such an issue for me but I've gotten better with it over the past few months. I try to keep it so I only look at a mirror if I'm putting make up on, which is rare these days. 


Right now I'm working on being more of an adult and overcoming my laziness. Learning to keep up with a cleaning schedule and errands, things of that nature. Plus, I'm attempting to over my PTSD and start working again. That's the biggest thing, right now. I really don't want to work because I still feel terrified, but Daddy wants me to. 

I'm currently in therapy to get over my social anxiety and fully transition to female, that counts as making myself a. better person, no?

Since me and my daddy aren't together anymore, I've been working  on things the help me with my anxiety like drawing and getting back into writing stories again. I'm working on being able to function independently and by myself with tons of things. I wanna work up to being comfortable being by myself and I'm going to save money to go on a trip to the beach alone by myself which is something super big for me.


I'm actually doing quite a few things to improve myself.


When Tori asks for attention, I make sure that if I'm in the middle of a game that I wait patiently after its done (as opposed to before where if my partner took too long I just started a new game up and made them wait). I'm attempting to get in touch with the dynamic more, and embrace her little side. And I'm also trying to take a more hands-on approach to the relationship. Do more things TOGETHER.

I'm taking my first few steps towards actually transitioning to female - I've been thinking about it for years, but I'm actually starting to take steps now.

Are you working on anything to make yourself a better person, and is your Daddy/caregiver helping you out while doing this?


I was just wondering if anyone is working on anything to make themselves a better person. I'm trying to pick my skin less, its a personal habit I want to break. I do it because of anxiety and stuff. So its really hard for me. I've done it since I was in my early teens but its something I really want to stop, and my daddy knows too. So he has been helping me out, and encouraging me when I feel like I've messed up and stuff.


Soo what about you? :)


I struggle with that, too. You're not alone!


Because of the anxiety I developed during childhood events, I have a bunch of perfectionist habits that I developed because of the need to be in control, but they have actually become out of control. I started seeing a therapist who has been helping me sort through the mess that is my thought processes. Looking at said issues (like anxiety) as a separate entity that is attempting to claim power over you, rather than a damaged part of us, is really super helpful! Even if it sounds silly, it will at least start getting you into the habit of questioning and rebelling against it, and slowly those habits and anxieties will have less urgency and power over you. It's not easy, definitely a process.


I had yet another therapy session just now! We've been working on my social anxiety related to my Aspergers, and learning the finer points of my Gender Dysphoria. The therapy has been working well, I'm less socially anxious than before.


Another thing I've been working on is bonding with my little sis, ClownyQuinn. Our relationship as big sis/lil sis is blossoming, and we're becoming close!

Guest Pouty Kitten

I've been working on my anxiety and learning how to let it go. I've also been working on my health so I can potentially get pregnant in the future :)

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I've been working on my anxiety, managing my depression and other mental health ticks as well as just trying to eat more and better food, take care of my oral hygiene and do exercise!

Guest sightsoblind
I struggle with Manic depression so I'm always working on trying to find a baseline. Little space is good for that. I can cry if I need to or scream into a pillow and get cuddles while watching a movie that has a perfect happy ending (thank you disney pixar and jim henson) or draw pictures until my hand cramps and if I'm too manic there is always THE TIMEOUT CHAIR it holds a very magic property that keeps little girls from moving or even getting itchy. One must stay there until they can get their thoughts and mind in order. So in truth... my littleness is how I work on myself

I value growth and self-actualization so I'm often working on developing and improving myself in one area or another. Recently I've been learning more about the following subjects:


Codependence - I grew up in a codependent relationship with my mom, and learning about this subject helps me make sense of those difficult experiences. Also I feel like this is important for me to learn about because I don't want to have a future relationship of mine turn into a codependent one - I don't want to be in a codependent relationship - and I want to make sure my motivation to guide, nurture, and educate my future partner emanates from a healthy expression of my value for growth and intimacy, rather than from an unhealthy codependent desire to "rescue" or "fix" my partner. On Audible I recently listened to Codependent No More by Melody Beattie which I feel helped me start to understand codependence.


Anger - I'm not as comfortable with my anger as I'd like to be, and sometimes I express it in unhealthy ways, such as by shouting or saying disrespectful things, so I'm learning about anger from reading books on anger. On Audible I recently listened to Anger by Gary Chapman, which was pretty good though I feel was of somewhat limited use for me since in this book Gary based a lot of his advice on his Christian worldview which I don't share, though a few days ago I started reading Anger by Thich Nhat Hanh which so far is a fascinating read. Also today my therapist mentioned she's trained in Gestalt therapy and that with her I could practice being in difficult situations where I feel angry so that I can work on improving how I handle anger, so hopefully I can get some practice handling anger next time I see her. 


D/s as a relationship dynamic - I believe this is an important area for me to learn about since I'm looking to build and maintain a healthy consensual D/s relationship and I feel like I didn't properly negotiate my last D/s relationship, so I'm learning more about D/s as a relationship dynamic. I recently read Living M/s by Dan and Dawn Williams which I feel is a valuable resource, and on Audible listened to Domination and submission by Michael Makai which was fun to listen to and entertaining, and perhaps I also learned something from it.


Marriage - I feel like this is important for me to learn about since I'm looking to build and maintain a healthy and fulfilling long term relationship. On Audible I'm listening to The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by John Gottman and Nan Silver which so far seems to have a lot of sensible advice and meshes well with what I've learn on related topics.


I'd also like to learn more about assertiveness, my needs and wants, leadership, influence, charisma, boundaries, communication, shame, fear, grief, and lots of other things.

Guest sightsoblind

CuddleMonster I know a few things about unhealthy anger, pair that with my epic inabiltiy to communicate and your looking at a strugle not to burn every relationship to the ground. Therapy taught me something that I find works REALLY well. I start by expressing what it was that made me angry. I am sure to include everything not just, "I didn't like the way you spoke to me" but also. I didn't sleep well and I stubbed my toe. It's important for your partner to understand your level of anger is MORE than what just happened but a series of things. Such as "I reallly really hate when you do X because my mother used to do X" Understanding the roots of your anger no matter how much you think they should already know is important for the other partner to keep from esclating becasue your seeming to be unreasonable. Also my Daddy/Domme/Husband is aware I need to walk away sometimes but I need to express that. "I am too angry to continue this in a good way right now so just fuck off and let me calm down." The flip side is I have to come back and talk about it when I have done something to seperate myself from the anger. Like the dishes or taking a shower to wash the bad energy away.. It's not about not fighting its about fighting right. A good thing to look into would be healthy ways to fight because a perfect marriage is fake as shit. You and someone else are diffrent people (headphones have made all the diffrence to my marital stability since we don't always mesh on music.) Learn to communicate what you want. You may not be able to find someone who is into your kink when you find someone to love but you might be able to help introduce them. I actually met my ex's new Sub who claims he is the Best Domme she ever had after coming out of several abusive relationships and I was all "You're welcome! I did that. I introduced him to it and helped him find his stride." It may not have been perfect for us together but it was something he didn't know he wanted until he tried it.

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I'm working on d/lg books for wattpad and I'm working on a nursing degree. :)

I'm trying to get a master degree in art, animation art....Right know I'm started to have a second thought on it since all my friends are working and getting ahead in their life, but I'm still a full time student.

Helping me get over a tragedy is how Daddy and I began. We had been friends for years but after my best friend (first love) died in a car accident he took a specific interest in helping me recover, that lead to him seeing where I was going 'wrong'. I couldn't control mu emotions, with my family or my husband. I was out of control seeking attention from guys who didn't deserve me. Two years later, we are still working and seeing growth, both of us.
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