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What are some of your favorites that you are recommending others to watch or read?


I start Overlord, Solo Levelling and Double Click

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Most of the stuff I super like is old school. Stuff like Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, King of Bandit Jing... the more action based stuff!

I'm definitely open to suggestions on any newer Anime!


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I have not! What's it about??


very simply super powered skating and some fanservice.

there is more to it but if i go into detail i likely spoil things.

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It definitely sounds interesting! 👌


Porco Rosso was insanely good too!

About an old fighter pilot after ww1, who was coming to terms with his survivors guilt... if I remember correctly.

But some of the flight scenes were beautiful!


Hm, I do love a good deal of comedy, shojo/romance and ecchi titles, but some of my more neutral (?) recent faves:

~ Bungo Stray Dogs (love the reference to historical figures, and detectives)

~ Noragami (sucker for a good tale about a forgotten god; hoping to read the light novels soon)

~ Beyond the Boundary (old favorite, and I'm a fan of blood magic)

~ The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (another old fave, absurd and amazing)

~ Library Wars (I've read up to book 9 in the manga, they only did 1 season of the anime, but the concept is so great, and honestly a little too relevant these days in the US re: book banning, censorship, etc)

~ GoSick (for the victorian vibes and mysteries)

~ The Vampire Dies in No Time (pure comedy, slapstick, etc, I love this one for a mood boost)

~ The Daily Life of the Immortal King (uh, I LOVE this one! )

~ Black Clover (If you liked Naruto, you'd probably like this)

~ The Devil is a Part-Timer 


I have a pretty massive watchlist as well. I just finished the first volume of the 86 light novel, so that one is on my watchlist. Such a great story! I need to pick up more volumes soon. Always love hearing about new recommendations!


  • Thank You 1


Hello friend! 👋

I did see tthe quoted message you left for me in the original club suggestion thread.

I've just been preoccupied making sure a club was made and irl, to find the time to respond to you.

Thanks for taking interest in wanting to watch Sailor Moon with me!

As soon as I figure some more stuff out, regarding where and how to watch it, we'll go from there.

Our watch session of Sailor Moon, will be separate from movie night.


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منذ 6 دقائق، قال OuO Alexibaa:


مرحباً صديقي!👋

لقد رأيت الرسالة المقتبسة التي تركتها لي في موضوع مركب النادي الأصلي.

لقد كنت منشغلاً للتو بالتأكد من إنشاء نادي، وفي الحياة الواقعية، الوقت المناسب لك.

شكرا لك على اهتمامك برغبتك في مشاهدة Sailor Moon معي!

بمجرد أن تتمكن من معرفة المزيد من الأشياء، فيما يتعلق بالمكان وكيفية مشاهدته، سنبدأ من هناك.

ستكون الجلسة المشاهدة الخاصة بفيلم Sailor Moon عن ليلة الفيلم.


Hello @أوو أليكسيبا

No need to explain ، everyone is busy with real life.

And thank you for the nice suggestion. Ok I'll wait. Take all the time you need. No pressure.

Yes, that's nice. Days for the movie and days for the series. I am happy. I hope that the times will coincide with us all so that we can enjoy more. 

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