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Hi everyone! I just wanna say I got the job I really wanted! I was so super anxious about the interview and not getting the job, but I did it!! 

*Happy dances all over*

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Congrats on getting the job ☺️

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Congratulations lovely !! I’m so happy for you and I hope you can stay blessed in your work!! 🌸🤍

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How did the interview go for you? Asking cuz I'm super anxious about interviews especially high stakes 😅

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Posted (edited)

Crazy cool stuff! Always happy when people succeed! Good work :)!

For the previous poster, If you're anxious about an interview, I believe youre supposed to picture yourself naked in front of an audience... wait... no... thats not it :S

Lemme try again ^^:
When dealing with anxious situation like interview in front of new people, what really helps me is I keep thinking to myself that the people receiving me are my friends. I treat them as people I already know and like. Takes some mindfudging of yourself but it works :).

Another great tip is to ask the first question yourself as you go in through the door. It can be smthing as simple as "How are you all doing today" or "Has it been a busy day with the interviews?" etc. Something friendly, they wont expect that and it balances the tension ALOT.

Third one would be, during the interview if there are tough questions - say it out loud. "Damn, thats a tough one.. hmmm, let me consider that a second". That buys you time and it also shows that you are actually invested in the conversation and not just shooting out anything that pops in your head.

Edited by Huggybear
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Posted (edited)

@Huggybear This is so so helpful! I could have used this way sooner lol but now I know for next time! Thank you for sharing such good advice! 😊

Edited by daisy_meow
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@BabyBrattyKittyKatty The administrator interviewing me was so kind and sweet! She genuinely seemed to like interviewing me which made me feel so much more relaxed! I think what helped me most in the end was reminding myself that I wad qualified for the job and that I was passionate about it as well. It made answering the administrator's questions a lot easier.

Another thing that helped was I did a ton of research about the company I was applying for so I went in knowing about the company's goals/vibes and overall message. It made me look super smart and knowledgeable to the interviewer and it made me more confident as well!

If you have anymore more questions, please message me! I can go more into detail about my odyssey of a job search lol! 🤭

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@daisy_meow Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

@BabyBrattyKittyKatty Similar to the previous advice, but don't be afraid of a little bit of dead silence. With the more difficult questions it is totally ok to pause for a minute to really think about your answer. Interviewers know those questions are tricky and tend to appreciate a well thought out answer rather than whatever pops out of the top of your head.

I have also found it helpful to research common interview questions and think about how you would answer them. Some questions include: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Why do you want to work for this company? Name 5 of your strengths/ weaknesses?

Additionally, sometimes all you need is practice. Once you have a list of questions you could have your friends do mock interviews with you where they choose some random questions from your list. This can help get some of those nerves out and build your confidence.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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