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Tips for keeping calm while alone

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So this might sound dumb. I am currently going to be alone at home for them next 4 days. Im fine in the daytime y'know just lonely but at night I'm almost paralyzed in fear. I have a very intense fear of the dark (due to trauma) and being alone in the house makes it  a lot worse. I do have lights that are left on in my room and another that lights up a good part of the house softly. so im not worries about the lights part more so the alone part.

Any tips or advice are welcome

Thank you so much

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During the night time you could leave the TV or radio on. I figure with some background noise you wouldn't feel as alone.

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It can help to have someone to talk to at night, even just chatting or on the phone or a voice call, if you have anyone that's more of a night owl you can contact.


Doesn't sound dumb at all! Maybe white noise can help. Like the sound of rain or the sound of a hairdryer.


Hi! It's absolutely not dumb at all! I will be facing a similar situation soon and I get scared by the sounds houses (and the animals living here) makes. 

If I get scared, for reassurance I like to go around to check that everything is closed and locked. I also try to reassure myself that if the animals (cats) are calm/ still sleeping/ not reacting then everything is safe and ok. I also know that if anything were to happen one of them would come running into my room to hide. 

Perhaps there is something similar you could use as reassurance?

I also try to keep my routine as similar as possible because changing it up, for me, just highlights I'm alone increasing possible worries and fears.

All of the suggestions above sound great. I would also add: try to create an environment, or get into a headspace, that feels safe for you. Surround yourself with things that make you feel safe and happy, so you have something to reach out to if you need. I also agree that having someone to talk to if you feel too scared or lonely is a great idea.

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Yeah I would say keep some kind of noise on 


I don't know if this would work, but have you tried using character ai? maybe you could take to your favorite characters if there's no one else to keep you company. Other than that, you could try using the forum chat, maybe you find someone to talk to and relax :) 


I'm the same way! I have all the night lights but still doesn't matter but what is working for me lately is a weighted blanket and stuffy. I also always leave the TV on. When I want the TV off I have a sound machine on. 

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I live with my parents and they have gone on holiday for a full week! I have anxiety and I'm also scared of the dark. My main thing to feel better is having youtube on. Most youtubers talk directly to the viewers, it makes me feel less alone, so I leave youtube videos running pretty much all day and night, even when I'm not really watching. 

I have a lot of stuffies. When I'm alone I tend to carry one of them around the house with me, wherever I go and talk random stuff towards it. Weirdly enough it helps. 

Distraction. Do things you love, play a game, colour, play music. Whatever hobbies you have. When we are fully focused on something we don't worry about what's going on around us as much. 

Do you have any pets? Spending time with my Rabbit always helps me sooth my anxiety. 

My main issue is leaving the house alone. That's where my anxiety tends to go overboard. So being alone for a full week means shopping by myself 😫 I always make myself feel as happy as possible before leaving the house. Then if I get anxious while out, I'll think about things I need to do when I get back home, or sing songs inside my head. Anything that will have me focusing on something other than the things that's freaking me out. 

Have a routine. When it starts getting dark. Go around switching lights on, checking windows and doors as you go. Listen out for different noises that the house or objects in the house make, so if you hear a noise later on, you know what it is.

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