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Signs that you were a little, from when you were actually a kid?

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Now that I look back I used to date this one girl who was really tomboyish and identified as a stud. She hated pink and girly stuff and because she did id playfully tease her and be like oh youd look cute in ta pink frilly dress and stuff like that. I used to picture her in my head in EXTREMELY girly clothing (cause id never seen her dress girly before) and I remember id picture her in a pink overly frilly dress (kinda like an extreme sissy dress) and then one time I pictured her in an extremely girly dress with a pacifier in her mouth like a little babygirl. It wierded me out at first but the more I pictured that image the more I was like 'oh its kinda cute'. As a joke I went out and bought her a pink baby pacifier from a dollar store (which she did not find funny). Now that I am a little I look back on those memories and think..yeah...this was bound to happen lol. Plus I was a tomboy in my childhood. I didn't want to watch Disney and like the colr pink and stuff cause that's what every little girl liked and I didn't want to be the stereotypical little girl. So I denied myself the girly pleasures of life when I was younger. No wonder I am the way I am now <3

Since my parents were divorced and I was raised in an emotionally abusive home, I fantasized just acting like a child and being treated like a baby. I had my blankie and had a binkie for a while. It's not a coping mechanism it just developed from that. Despite being nonbinary I always was obsessed with Lolita style and toddler clothing.

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