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I just feel like posting this here and praising alot of you Littles (daddies partially too I guess but mainly because of my interactions with most Littles here).

The more i chat with the Littles the more I become to realize that even though they are the youngest at heart most the times they always seem the most motivated and hard working toward their goals:)! I know not every little can work or go to school or have they all the opportunity to and this isn't meant to put anyone down in any way I just want to say how proud I am of so many of you Littles for being so motivated and smart and hard working! I've talked to a quite a few Littles here and there Over the last few year's  of being a daddy.  It just seems vanilla type girls I talk to almost never really have anywhere near the motivation , heart, effort or whatever towards life and almost always the Littles I talk to have either gone to school or are still working hard to achieve their goals and dreams. I've talked to so many various  Littles from veterinarians to doctors and lawyers to whatever you may be doing in life, and I just feel proud of all the Littles and wanted to share my feelings of how refreshing it is to chat with Littles that work so hard to get to where they are and how good they are doing and to always remember times may get tough but always keep your chin up and keep pushing forward it will get better eventually, <3! I just wanted to leave that here I hope it doesn't sound bad in any way I just wanted to leave some praise for everyone or atleast something to show us daddies notice! Thanks for reading.. have a good day!

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Thanksie 🥰 ☺️

That's really kind and motivating of you.. 

I hope lots of Littles read this and take it to heart.. 🤗💜💜

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Your all w3lcome ❤️ keep doing your best! You all got this :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

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