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Diablo IV's latest lootbox costs more than the actual game

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Diablo IV is currently on Sale (Standard Edition: 41.99 USD) and their latest ingame-shop item "Vitreous Scourge" costs 64.99 USD

Are ingame-purchases getting mad? 

Source: https://www.rebelgamer.de/2024/02/diablo-4-das-neueste-reittier-ist-teurer-als-das-spiel/127135?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=diablo-4-das-neueste-reittier-ist-teurer-als-das-spiel (in German)


When I can, I tend to buy game passes for DLCs and try to take advantage of deals because of the ridiculousness that games are these days. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, its pretty crazy. Im on ps5 and have 5 level 100 characters if anyone ever wants to play send me a dm!

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