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 Here is a list of basic things I think you should have in your car at all times. Followed by a list of things you probably should have just in case.

Anything you can add is appreciated and I will copy/paste into this list to have one comprehensive list.


  • Spare tire (some cars do not have one)
  • Jack
  • Lug wrench/tire iron
  • Jumper cables
  • Tire pressure gauge (newer cars tell you if you have a low tire but some still don't tell you the pressure or if the spare is low or flat)
  • Phone charger

Should have

  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher (I recommend a dry powder with a rating of ABC or BC)
  • Flashlight
  • Toilet paper and paper towels
  • Hand wipes
  • Blanket
  • Rain poncho
  • Snacks that have a long shelf life (in case you break down or get stuck in traffic for hours)
  • Tire inflator/air compressor (they now have cordless rechargeable ones but I have not tried any so I have no recommendations as of yet) 
  • A can of Fix A Flat/ Tire Slime or other tire repair sealant
  • Like 3
  • 100 percent yes 1

Can confirm the newer cars' tire pressure gauge system is indeed lame. Probably want to keep a spare old school one. It has to do with a silly sensor around the wheel well in newer cars. After a few tire changes they tend to start malfunctioning giving you incorrect readings for your tire psi.

This list turned out pretty great! 😁 you racked up quite a few items I hadn't thought of myself when I tried making this list in my head the other day lol

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

In Europe it's required to have a warning triangle in some countries. Also I'd always have a high-vis jacket.

In an electric car I always carry my "granny" charger and extension cord (the one that plugs into a standard electrical outlet) but keep in mind if you're traveling in Europe different countries have different plugs.

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  • 2 months later...

I just wanted to pop in here and recommend adding a multipurpose tool or Swiss Army knife or even scissors and or hammer of some sort. I know some places/states/countries may not allow it, but it’s handy from personal experience. I was once in an accident where my seatbelt was stuck and I needed to get free of the scene as it was not safe (multi pileup in a snowstorm) and had I not been able to cut myself free, it could have been very bad if another car slammed into me and I was still there. Also, there are multi purpose tools with a pointy metal side for smashing your window if your door is stuck and on the other it’s got a seatbelt slasher. 🤷🏻‍♀️ just food for thought. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Collapsable batons or similar devices are good for smashing a window  from the inside or outside.  They are not legal in all areas.   If you have an EV or really any car, you should have a device-instrument to break your windows or windshield should you ever be submerged.  Many times the electrical system shuts down or there becomes a water pressure issue.  A device that could be swung and used for self protection would be ideal….

  • Like 1
  • 5 months later...
Guest weirdunicorn
Posted (edited)

this post has big daddy energy. im the worst. ill drive 40 miles on E with bare feet and no cell phone. i needed someone to tell me this. i probably y need someone to drill it into my head and staple it to my brain… but i appreciate the sentiment of these how-to-adult topics. 

Edited by weirdunicorn
I accidentally saved too early
  • 2 months later...

I have a teensy suggestion!

They sell these thingies that are a combo of battery jumpers, flashlights, air pumps, etc. They're at places like Walmart or online. I'm very much NOT smart about cars, but I have this one that's called a Halo Bolt. Mine can charge your phone, laptop, whatever. It also can jump your car battery, pump your tires, do a flashlight or SOS light, a bunch of handy stuff. And if you can't quite figure out how the whole "jumping your battery" thing works and it scares you (like me), it has the cables included and has the instructions printed ON THE BAG the whole thing goes in! This isn't an ad lol, there's a bunch of brands who sell stuff like this, I just know about mine because this is the second one I've had and boy it comes in handy. 

Looking into something like this might be helpful for those of us who are less car-inclined. Also it comes in pink! 

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

I would suggest an umbrella! The amount of times I have been saved in a freak downpour by having one of these handy in the boot is astonishing. Easy enough to get one of the mini ones, but full sized are a bonus!

The only other thing I would suggest being a critical item, is a dedicated torch/flashlight. I don't go anywhere without one. During the winter months when it gets dark earlier it is a necessity. Rovyvon do these small EDC flashlights which are impressively bright with good charge for not too dear a price, while being able to be kept on your keys. Also, If you ever get stuck in a position where a bad actor is thinking about interfering with you, they generally think twice when you remove their ability to see you with blinding light haha. 

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