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…… Hi. 👋🏻 

I was pondering , as this Monkey usually does , while I was watching some comedy clips the last few days. I watch a lot of “Kill Tony” comedy show clips - and I realized how much some people might not like certain senses of humor. How offended people can be by some things but find others funny.. and what happens when partners don’t have compatible senses of humor ?

So , what kept popping up into my head was these awkward scenarios that could happen if you are your partner don’t have the same or similar sense of humor. 

For example : You’re out on a date and you are walking hand in hand , you see a person walking in front of you get pooped on by a bird… naturally you start cracking up , right ? You’re at the grocery store and you hear a child throwing a tantrum , giving it their all and screaming their head off - someone else thinks it funny to start screaming and whining like the child to get them to stop. Is that funny to you or traumatic and annoying ? It’s snowing outside and you see someone slip around like an old cartoon and fall on their ass , they obviously hurt themselves but you can’t help but to start cackling at them. Or just a really off color and offensive joke - you start laughing but your date or partner is completely pissed off and doesn’t find it funny one bit. 

*How important is having the same or similar sense of humor as your partner to you ? 

*Do you believe that people with complete opposite senses of humor can truly be compatible long term ? If yes or no , why do you believe that ? 

*Would you be able to be with someone that found things funny that you found offensive , or the opposite ? 

*Do you think you are funny ? 

*Do you think your partner(s) is funny if you have them ? 

-Personally , having at least the same base line of humor as your partner(s) can be really beneficial at least and important at most. I couldn’t imagine myself trying to watch a comedy show - or hearing jokes and having my partner being upset and offended constantly. I feel like it would kill a lot of the surprise and joy in the relationship - at least to me and my sense of humor…. the most dark , offensive and random off the wall life surprises are the most silly and humorous things to happen. There are things that Brother will show me and I just won’t laugh - just straight deadpan. There are other times however that he will have me on the floor in tears with something he says or a meme he shows me. Dad will try to be funny sometimes and it just doesn’t work because he normally isn’t a very “silly” person , it can just come off as obnoxious.. but there are moments where it just hits you right and you can’t help but start crying laughing. And then there’s me….. I will just think of random stuff in my head and make myself sick to my stomach from laughing so hard , but it makes absolutely no sense to anyone else when I try to explain it to them. As everything it is very subjective , and depends on yourself and your partner(s) for what you think is highly similar humor or not … but I think my family has a good mix. We have a lot of good laughs in our house. 

-I happen to think I am very funny , Dad and Brother hear me say that quite often , LOL. “I am so funny.” “I AM SO FUCKIN FUNNY LOLOLOL” “God dang I am hilarious 😎” 
I can’t imagine someone not thinking they themselves are in y , but that is only because I find myself so hilarious. If I really separate from myself and look from another lense , I could see how someone wouldn’t be very funny in general or find themselves funny. I suppose opposites attract as well …… that’s why so many people that are serious and reserved end up with outgoing silly people. (Of course similar people can also pair up but that phrase is popular for a reason.) 

What are your thoughts on the above questions ? Do you believe having the same sense of humor as your partner(s) is important , what are your thoughts on humor in general ? 

Besides within a relationship , some more questions based on humor : 

*Do you find any humor offensive , and if so do you think it shouldn’t exist or do you just not watch it ? 

*Is there a favorite type of humor that you enjoy , or favorite comedians. ?

*What type of humor do you find overplayed , or just flat out annoying / unnecessary ?

This topic in general is kind of an oddball I am throwing out there - but I feel like this might drag some good conversation out of the dirt and may-haps some thought provoking statements.

Have fun !  


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Humor is like a priority to me. Being serious all the time and not vibing on the same wavelength as someone I'm with wouldn't be full of life. I think I am funny because I at least make myself laugh as I talk to myself or have mishaps. Humor helps me immensely to process tough emotions, let them go, and make me feel better. So I gotta have it! Most humors that put me off are ones I sense 'bad' intentions like someone is making a joke at another person's expense or makes the other offended/uncomfortable. That type of humor I don't want to be around, and the people who like that even more. There are certain jokes that I'd be laughing at if one person cracked vs another because of that person's character (if that makes sense). Just basic consent of the topic from those receiving said joke. 

One type of humor I think gets overplayed are self-deprecating ones. Like, "I'm such trash or I'm so fugly, hahaha" Once in a while is funny but to keep putting oneself down just feels like fishing for compliments. Plus, I'm a bit sensitive to thinking poorly of oneself. There's so much in life already that make us feel shitty about ourselves. 🥺 It just doesn't feel wholesome, you know.

Puns, I'm a sucker for. Those crack me up 🤣 But again, that depends on the person. There's just a way you can tell when someone is trying too hard to be funny for attention vs someone that has wit. Memes I also need a daily dose of. Thank you, Internet! 🙌

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It's interesting maybe it's go to be similar but i do have more then one kind of humor and know what to use with who so I don't think it has to be exactly the same kind of humor 

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I think it is important to have a similar sense of humor but only because of the possible issues it may cause to have a different sense of humor like you were saying if someone were to genuinely get offended by a joke you told or laughing at something they don’t think is funny don’t get me wrong it doesn’t have to be perfect but you have to be able to share a laugh once in a while 


personally I don’t think opposing senses of humor would be compatible long term unless there or some serious sacrifices but at the cost of most of the fun in a relationship your partner should be more than a partner should also be your friend and should be able to joke around and be yourself 


could I be with someone that found what I found funny offensive that’s just a flat out no tbh if you can’t joke around with me and I can’t with you that’s just not worth the time for me relationships need a little silly moments in between the serious conversation and discussions 


realistically I don’t think I’m funny I know you think I’m funny but only when I’m not trying and honestly that makes sense shouldn’t have to force being funny it should come out naturally 


I do think you’re funny even if I won’t admit it in the moment you make me laugh all the time and even when I’m not I’m laughing on the inside you’re a silly girl and I love that about you everything get taken so seriously these days it’s refreshing to have some jokes or just something funny be thrown into conversation 


to ask the question do I find any humor offensive yes of course does it make it less funny to me no humor and comedy is meant to push boundaries but that’s just me if you find something truly offensive you have the ability to not listen or stop watching 


I’d say dark humor is one of my favorites some cringy shit just because I wouldn’t say I have a favorite comedian because I don’t really watch comedians I think I just like more unscripted stuff 


what type of humor do I find overplayed or annoying I mean most new mainstream comedy like stand standups just because a lot of them try so hard to not be offensive it just makes it unfunny and boring 


  • 100 percent yes 1

I'll reply to this, since my sense of humor can be quite controversial 💩


*I don't really care whether my partner has the same/simmular humor as me. And besides, that'd be like looking for an unicorn. I'll gladly settle for a horse with a strap-on... Kidding aside, to me it's most important that my partner doesen't take my jokes the wrong way and gets offended by it. She needs to be able to take a beating both literally and figuratively 🤷🏻‍♂️... I don't want to walk on eggshells around my partner. I have been friends with a girl for a few years and then one day I made a Barney-fashion joke about something and she got all butt hurt. She was like "When you're ready to appologize we can talk" 😅... I have often appologized  to people because of my humor. I know not everyone will take kindly to it. However if I am close to someone and they have known me for years, know what I'm like and all, I am not going to appologize for being myself 🤷🏻‍♂️

*i think that people with a completely different sense of humor can be compatible as long as both appreciate eachother's humor. Sometimes it can bring out the best in one another. A lot of times people wish they had certain characteristics of their partner and it motivates them to better themself. It's like that with humor as well. It depends on the indivuduals in question. 


*Man I find nothing offensive 😅... If you manage offend me then you really should consider taking it down a notch 🤡... As for other people finding me offensive, like I mentioned above. What matters most is ur humor being accepted by ur partner and appreciated. If they find it offensive they should find another partner rather than trying to to make me be normal-ish 🤷🏻‍♂️

*I think I'm hilarious. My humor adds like 3 inches to my dick size 🤙



I'll reply to the rest of the questions the next time I have a prolonged visit to the toilet. 

Live long and prosper 🖖🏻

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Guest ErickWcurls

I'm a free speech absolutist and comedy is the last bastion of free speech.  If it's funny people will laugh.  I've never been offended.  There are thing I don't like but being offended to me seem like the most first world of first world problems.  I guarantee there are no "Karens" in third world countries.   Anything that someone considers a sacred cow in society or in speech should then especially be made fun of. 

My last gf was funny in her way but sometimes I had explain jokes in reference to pop culture or movies.  She grew up here but her family was very insular in regards to American pop culture etc so it was kind of tiring constantly having to explain things to her.  


I think a similar sense of humor is good.  

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