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11 hours ago, LilyFlower said:

Turquoise coloured bubbles wif sparkles? I'm gonna need my swimmin costume for dis 🤭


Oooh I lovvveee dress up n costumes! What what is yours swimin costume? I...was thinking my new pirate and mermaidees wouldn't mind if if I found a tiara cuz bounties of shinie stuff is good for the pirates life for us. 

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*opens up minecwaft tin wif frens to reveal lots an lots of choco coins! 🪙 🍫 grabs big handfuls waving em around to show everybody*

All my frens get tasty snackies! 😋 here's a handful of choco coins for @Jess_Hill_1404 an @Quirky an @LilyFlower an @little locket an @SweetLu an @LittleOceans!! 😁 Do yous wike chocowate too @beanbean you can has some too! 

Tank youu Locket for sharwin you minecwaft tin and lots of choco coins wif us 😄 argh! now me tinks I ready to walk der plank! 🏴‍☠️ swimy in bubble baf ocean sound super fun rn! 🏊‍♀️ 


  • Hungry 1
5 hours ago, Quirky said:

🎶dee dum dee dee de diddly um deday🎶 see @Kaz05I like your eye patch and purple shovel. Tanka for playing more!!! And coin Candies too ohmygooooooness! It's a good hunt. Did our mermaids waves? Who has the bubbles now? I have my blankie ssso sooo we can make a flag! Glitter and marsheemellows would stick but um @beanbeanthe the magic pockets...maybe the markers? Peas? And @Jess_Hill_1404and @little locketand ohh the others too: oooh ohhh maybe maybe we we could make a ittle waffle castle too if if we nibble the shapes and then tho I will stay over thererereeeee from those scary baby gators they they still could have a Waffle House or no no WafCastle. Name them Duke and Duchess and WaterGaters? 

waffle castle sound fun 🙂 and tasty 😋🤣

  • You got treats 1
  • giggling 1
2 hours ago, Kaz05 said:

*opens up minecwaft tin wif frens to reveal lots an lots of choco coins! 🪙 🍫 grabs big handfuls waving em around to show everybody*

All my frens get tasty snackies! 😋 here's a handful of choco coins for @Jess_Hill_1404 an @Quirky an @LilyFlower an @little locket an @SweetLu an @LittleOceans!! 😁 Do yous wike chocowate too @beanbean you can has some too! 

Tank youu Locket for sharwin you minecwaft tin and lots of choco coins wif us 😄 argh! now me tinks I ready to walk der plank! 🏴‍☠️ swimy in bubble baf ocean sound super fun rn! 🏊‍♀️ 


Moar Choco coins

  • You got treats 1
2 hours ago, Kaz05 said:

waffle castle sound fun 🙂 and tasty 😋🤣

Lol that would be a lot of waffles

  • giggling 1
  • snickering 1

@beanbean moar choco coins! 😁🍫 daddy tell me not to eat too many 🤭 I makes my tummy mads at me 😵‍💫 me wikes waffles too! 🧇 wif butter and sweet syrup 😋 you gots waffle toasty in you magic pockets beanbean? 😄

  • Like 1
38 minutes ago, Kaz05 said:

@beanbean moar choco coins! 😁🍫 daddy tell me not to eat too many 🤭 I makes my tummy mads at me 😵‍💫 me wikes waffles too! 🧇 wif butter and sweet syrup 😋 you gots waffle toasty in you magic pockets beanbean? 😄

A Choco coin waffle sandwich 

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6 minutes ago, beanbean said:

A Choco coin waffle sandwich 

Oooh soo yummies! 😍 I jus had lunch and now I's hungy again 🤣 I could eats a whole plate of choco coin waffle sammiches 😋 I bet baby gators an mutant turkeys would wike some too! 😁

  • giggling 1
1 hour ago, Kaz05 said:

Oooh soo yummies! 😍 I jus had lunch and now I's hungy again 🤣 I could eats a whole plate of choco coin waffle sammiches 😋 I bet baby gators an mutant turkeys would wike some too! 😁

Waffle party !!!

  • Hungry 1
  • Hoorayyy 1
1 hour ago, Kaz05 said:

Oooh soo yummies! 😍 I jus had lunch and now I's hungy again 🤣 I could eats a whole plate of choco coin waffle sammiches 😋 I bet baby gators an mutant turkeys would wike some too! 😁

Waffle party !!!

  • giggling 1
1 hour ago, Jess_Hill_1404 said:

Choccy coins!!! 

Tank yous fir helpin me dig up da tweasure! 😄 both of us needs a bubble baf cus of the wainbow sand 🤭️ I gots it in my hair 😅

  • Love it 1
8 hours ago, Kaz05 said:

*opens up minecwaft tin wif frens to reveal lots an lots of choco coins! 🪙 🍫 grabs big handfuls waving em around to show everybody*

All my frens get tasty snackies! 😋 here's a handful of choco coins for @Jess_Hill_1404 an @Quirky an @LilyFlower an @little locket an @SweetLu an @LittleOceans!! 😁 Do yous wike chocowate too @beanbean you can has some too! 

Tank youu Locket for sharwin you minecwaft tin and lots of choco coins wif us 😄 argh! now me tinks I ready to walk der plank! 🏴‍☠️ swimy in bubble baf ocean sound super fun rn! 🏊‍♀️ 


Tank you, tank you! 😋😊 *starts a snackin away* Gotta be careful, choco makes me hyper 🤭 hopes I not have a choco moustache? hehehe

I ready to walk da plank too... watch out, Imma CANON BALL 👹

  • Haha 1
  • Hoorayyy 1
5 hours ago, LilyFlower said:

Tank you, tank you! 😋😊 *starts a snackin away* Gotta be careful, choco makes me hyper 🤭 hopes I not have a choco moustache? hehehe

I ready to walk da plank too... watch out, Imma CANON BALL 👹

*change piwate outfit into swimy clothes but keepins eyepatch an captin hat beanbean gives me 😁🏴‍☠️*

bubble baf ocean super pwetty! ️ me walk da plank too cus I gots itchy sands on me 🤭

*dives after @LilyFlower into warm bubble bafs 💦

  • So cute 1
8 hours ago, Kaz05 said:

Tank yous fir helpin me dig up da tweasure! 😄 both of us needs a bubble baf cus of the wainbow sand 🤭️ I gots it in my hair 😅

You’s welcome!!!!

  • Like 1
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I'll um eat I mean gaurs the chacolates and treasures. I like my face all painted and the plank well I I can stay here. The bubbles they float up and my swimin costume n tiara well they wants not wets hair. But the flag....hmmm should it have glitter bones maybe? Mermaid tails? I could sketch a few ideas. We could have a fort no ship or crew name. .hmmm  LoliPop Guardians of the Galaxy? Feroucios Glitter Growers? Giggles and Glitter Bandits?

  • Love it 1
21 minutes ago, Quirky said:

I'll um eat I mean gaurs the chacolates and treasures. I like my face all painted and the plank well I I can stay here. The bubbles they float up and my swimin costume n tiara well they wants not wets hair. But the flag....hmmm should it have glitter bones maybe? Mermaid taittels? I could sketch a few ideas. We could have a fort no ship or crew name. .hmmm  LoliPop Guardians of the Galaxy? Feroucios Glitter Growers? Giggles and Glitter Bandits?

Moar glitter bonez

  • 100 percent yes 1
  • Blushing 1
5 hours ago, Quirky said:

I'll um eat I mean gaurs the chacolates and treasures. I like my face all painted and the plank well I I can stay here. The bubbles they float up and my swimin costume n tiara well they wants not wets hair. But the flag....hmmm should it have glitter bones maybe? Mermaid tails? I could sketch a few ideas. We could have a fort no ship or crew name. .hmmm  LoliPop Guardians of the Galaxy? Feroucios Glitter Growers? Giggles and Glitter Bandits?

Glitter Bandits!!!!

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6 hours ago, Quirky said:

I'll um eat I mean gaurs the chacolates and treasures. I like my face all painted and the plank well I I can stay here. The bubbles they float up and my swimin costume n tiara well they wants not wets hair. But the flag....hmmm should it have glitter bones maybe? Mermaid tails? I could sketch a few ideas. We could have a fort no ship or crew name. .hmmm  LoliPop Guardians of the Galaxy? Feroucios Glitter Growers? Giggles and Glitter Bandits?

Your little lammy face does look super cute 🙂 glitter bones would make the pirate flag gorgeous 😍  my vote is for Glitter Bandits 😁

  • Hugs 1
1 hour ago, beanbean said:

Gator gang

G.G. 😂 it coulds be Glitter Gang or Gator Gang 😁 what shoulds we name da piwate boat? 🏴‍☠️

  • I see what you did there 1

Of course you can play the more th merrier 

  • 100 percent yes 2
23 minutes ago, Kaz05 said:

G.G. 😂 it coulds be Glitter Gang or Gator Gang 😁 what shoulds we name da piwate boat? 🏴‍☠️

Lol GG I like it

  • giggling 1
  • snickering 1
2 minutes ago, beanbean said:

Of course you can play the more th merrier 

Yay! How do i play

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