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Wow this is getting to be a proper castle now! Complete with glitter wizard and rainbow unicorn! :D

  • Hoorayyy 2

*digs in the dress up box flinging things every whichway*

Binjo!! *holds up a unicorn onsie*. Dis be purfet!!

  • Hoorayyy 2

Uh oh.. @TomsCruiser why yous thinks you needs awmow? Wes all goods.. 

And wes only pwotects ouws castle.. 

@cloudcat wes boths be dwagons.. then I's have flying buddy.. 🤗

@LittleOceans glads you betta.. stuffies awe the bestest!! And glitta canons is awesome ideas.. we've pwotects castles goodie.. 

Hi @SweetLu .. unicown can wides and goes fwom one place to otha lotsa fast.. helps too.. 


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(Thanks for letting me play, you all are super nice! here's a cute picture..that'd be me as a dragon, obsessed with sweets :p ) e589b161745d2bd7a6744f62e8765a3b.jpg

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😁 yay dragons and wizard and unicorn and knights 😁 this best castle, 

  • Hoorayyy 3

Oh.. wes dwessings ups now? 

*Quickly grabs the dragon costumes and goes to the bathroom to change, then comes back* 

Wwwaawww.. I's mighty dwagon and pwotects pwetty pwincess castle!! 

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🤭 I don't think its a pwincess castle coz we has no pwincesses.... we'z just protects magic castle 😁 with dragons, wiizard and unicorn ita probably full of magics 🤩

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(Hello, back for a little bit) :) *stomps around making rawr dragon noises with mo*

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But wes all pwincesses!!! Wes wule da castle so wes pwincesses.. maybes like dwagon, unicowns and knight pwincesses.. 🤗☺️

  • Love it 2

Lunicorn, what an adorable name! 🥰 And good point Mo *changes into pretty princess dress, but with big dragon wings too!*

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Oooo I'm a princess Knight like Nella 😁😁

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*blushes* tank you. I luvs your pwetty wings * reaches out to softly touch one*

  • Shy 1

Mhm.. wes mighty pwincesses and wule ouws castle!!! 🥰😅

  • Party 1
  • Hoorayyy 2

So, what do you all feel like doing now? :) (thanks agin for letting me join in on the fun..I've never really played like this with other littles before!)

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🥱 I'm going to go to bed'z now, its getting late and I'm sleepys

Nights night everyone. 🌙 😊

  • Hugs 1

🥱 I'm going to go to bed'z now, its getting late and I'm sleepys

Nights night everyone. 🌙 😊

  • Hugs 1

Goodnight locket, sleep well and sweet dreams! Time zones sure are fun, it's only 2 in the afternoon for me :p

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