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{open roleplay mention of illness there will be diapers and other care involved. SFW ONLY|18 PLUS Contact} 



It had been Four years since Belle had been told she had cancer. At first she was completely devastated because the doctor had told her that she had at the most 7 to 8 years to live and at the least she had 4 years. Belle couldn't believe this was happening to her. She felt like her world was crashing down right on top of her and crushing her into dust. Even though it was the worst news someone could get their was hope. The doctor said she could try chemotherapy but she warned her that there where hard side affects. 

Belle had nodded in understanding and told her she would have to discuss options with her husband. But first she had to find a way to tell him the heart breaking news. After running how she was going to tell him in her head over and over again, and before she knew it she was infront of the shop it was time to break the news. Honestly belle had never been as scared as she was now. 

Shockingly her husband took it fairly well. True there where tears spelt and they had hung onto one another like they would never let go again. But telling him went better than expected. After they had calmed down. Belle sat down with her husband and they talked about  treatment options After 3 hours, Belle decided that she would try Chemotherapy but they also agreed that she would stop if it became to much.

Nine months into it Belle decided she couldn't do it any more She was getting to sick and the side affects where really taking a toll on her. Not only where they really hitting her hard. The Chemo had stopped working so it was stopped. Belle knew that she didn't have long now that they stopped treatment but she was not scared of her fait. She accepted it. Even though she didn't have long. Belle knew that everything would be okay as long as she had her husband by her side. 

Four years latter. It was clear that the cancer had taken over Belle's body. She only had three maybe four years left if she was lucky. However the years had not been good to her. Over time belle had gotten very sick. She had lost her hair and now had to wear a wig or a bandana, she was very skinny since she had been having trouble keeping things down. That being said she could only have soft food and a special formula she had to have three times a day.  Belle  wasn't able to walk anymore so she used a wheelchair. She had also become completely incontinent meaning she sadly had to whare diapers 24/7 she also used oxygen every now and then since her lungs where not as strong as they once where. 

Because her health had been declining so fast. She had started to go with her husband to work every single day Infact she never left his side. While he was working. Belle would be all set up in the back on the little bed they had back their. Henry and grace had taken over the library and occasionally Emma would go in and help them. Emma felt sorry for Gold as did the rest of the town. Because they knew once he lost Belle he would be all alone once more.

Nine months into it Belle decided she couldn't do it any more She was getting to sick and the side affects where really taking a toll on her. Not only where they really hitting her hard. The Chemo had stopped working so it was stopped. Belle knew that she didn't have long now that they stopped treatment but she was not scared of her fait. She accepted it. Even though she didn't have long. Belle knew that everything would be okay as long as she had her husband by her side. 

Four years latter. It was clear that the cancer had taken over Belle's body. She only had three maybe four years left if she was lucky. However the years had not been good to her. Over time belle had gotten very sick. She had lost her hair and now had to wear a wig or a bandana, she was very skinny since she had been having trouble keeping things down. That being said she could only have soft food and a special formula she had to have three times a day.  Belle  wasn't able to walk anymore so she used a wheelchair. She had also become completely incontinent meaning she sadly had to whare diapers 24/7 she also used oxygen every now and then since her lungs where not as strong as they once where. 

Because her health had been declining so fast. She had started to go with her husband to work every single day Infact she never left his side. While he was working. Belle would be all set up in the back on the little bed they had back their. Henry and grace had taken over the library and occasionally Emma would go in and help them. Emma felt sorry for Gold as did the rest of the town. Because they knew once he lost Belle he would be all alone once more.


While Gold worked, Belle laid on her small bed (which was like a crib because it had bars) and watched a movie on Disney plus. Since it was getting late she would need a bottle soon and a diaper change of not check. While she watched her movie, Belle tried to stay awake as she cuddled with her favorite stuffed animal Rumple|Robert got her last week. It was supposed to snow later so Belle hoped they would go home soon. 


Guest Richard Rockah

Very well written. You are talented.

Since you mention roleplay, I am curious as to how much is personal.

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