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Gym Training For The Right Reason

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About 4 1/2 years ago my ex got me into working out at the gym with a trainer for the very first time. It was bittersweet because with that trainer, I got to understand what needs my body has to improve posture and I learned to appreciate what a workout routine can do for me mentally. Sure, working out at home has its merits but I need the atmosphere of a gym to help motivate me and do it correctly. However, my diet at the time was not good and by the fuel of my ex's criticisms, I took it too far the wrong way. I did lose a chunk of weight quickly, but it was the wrong kind for my mental health. Looking back on the charts that I kept from back then I can see I was losing muscle mass due to my desperation to get my numbers as a whole down on the scale. This was all wrong! My diet was NOT right for multiple reasons which I won't go into details. After a few months I had to quit my gym membership due to big life changes and that routine was shelved.

Now, about 3 years later I came back to the gym and reconnected with my old trainer back in February. I had already gained all the weight back and more from another diet problem (again some brainwashing by my ex). I was now just divorced, wanted to get my life back on track, in a lot of pain, and I wanted to do this correctly FOR ME. I confessed to my trainer the methods I did back then to look like I was succeeding and the mistakes I did to worsen that. The focus this time is lifestyle changes for the long haul rather than the "see results in 6-8 weeks!" that is advertised with fitness. I have been honest with my trainer about my diet struggles (which I wasn't before). I'm so lucky she has firsthand experience on what that is like and is able to instruct me in a way that is healthy. Plus, my trainer is helping me improve my form so that I injure myself less when heavy lifting and carry myself better outside of the gym.

Looking better is just a bonus because I'm taking the time to FEEL and THINK better about myself through my gym attendance. I go 4x a week; twice with my trainer and twice on my own. There has been week here or there that I only managed 2 times, but I have gone at least every week consistently. I don't do my workouts perfectly 100% of the time. LOL that would be insane!! I have taken to heart to toss out the mindset, "If it's worth doing then do it 100%." because that attitude of perfectionism sets me up for failure and hardcore disappointment. If anything is worth doing, then do it half-assed because sometimes that is all I can manage these days. The point is that I showed up and TRIED. Then I am able to try again later, maybe a little better this time and so on. That's the attitude I want to keep.

We'll see if I can go back to exercising outside the instructions of a gym and trainer. I don't know when that will be. I'm taking it one month at a time. 

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4 hours ago, Andriel_Isilien said:

Looking better is just a bonus because I'm taking the time to FEEL and THINK better about myself through my gym attendance. I go 4x a week; twice with my trainer and twice on my own. There has been week here or there that I only managed 2 times, but I have gone at least every week consistently. I don't do my workouts perfectly 100% of the time. LOL that would be insane!! I have taken to heart to toss out the mindset, "If it's worth doing then do it 100%." because that attitude of perfectionism sets me up for failure and hardcore disappointment. If anything is worth doing, then do it half-assed because sometimes that is all I can manage these days. The point is that I showed up and TRIED. Then I am able to try again later, maybe a little better this time and so on. That's the attitude I want to keep.

💪🏻 Fuck yes dude. This part is what gets people the results they want in their BRAIN , not their bodies. I feel like having that kind of discipline , just showing up even if it’s “half assed” or like 10% or anywhere in between … you fuckin showed up. 

*However, my diet at the time was not good and by the fuel of my ex's criticisms, I took it too far the wrong way. I did lose a chunk of weight quickly, but it was the wrong kind for my mental health. Looking back on the charts that I kept from back then I can see I was losing muscle mass due to my desperation to get my numbers as a whole down on the scale. This was all wrong! My diet was NOT right for multiple reasons which I won't go into details. After a few months I had to quit my gym membership due to big life changes and that routine was shelved.*


I know this all too well and it breaks my heart. I’m happy for you that your ex is out of your life and you’re making healthy changes for the right reasons. It’s so easy to get sucked into the wrong reasons and lose yourself , like literally lose yourself like you were with your muscle mass. Makes me want to donkey kick your ex in the knees from the front 😡

You are really tough and I admire you a lot , just in general but with how open you are as well. Openness is a lot of strength in my eyes and humbleness , every time you share a part of yourself I learn more and respect you more and more. Thank you for being a part of this group and sharing , and being the bad ass you are. 💞

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