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DDLG Philosophy Videos

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Posted (edited)

I ran across a series of DDLG Philosophy videos by Brian Krall (TLD Mindpower), who's actually a Personal Development Specialist (Sexual Therapist/Educator) by trade and he sits down and analyzes the DDLG Relationship psychologically, giving examples and good expectations for Daddy and Littles.

I was wondering if anyone else has seen these? If so, what did you think of them?

He has many other fascinating videos on most aspects of BDSM. What do you think?

Edited by WizardofOSS
Offensive Links Deleted
Posted (edited)

….hi. *waves* Honesty is my strength and downfall so I’m sorry if you really like this guy.

This person may be a sexual therapist personal development therapist or whatever else it is also important to remember that even though someone has a degree , therapists can still be very biased and have personal moral and ethical beliefs that may go hand in hand with their therapy , and therapy is very individual same with whatever advice they might be giving. 

While these can be very helpful for people I’m sure especially to new people in the community for just basic outlines , I couldn’t help but find myself skipping through things out of boredom or out of blanket coat statements that annoyed me. I understand this is basic information he’s giving , that’s wonderful but I started getting irritated with the way he was explaining things. It made it sound like ALL littles are the same and have this lifestyle for all the same reasons like we’re all just cookie cut with slightly different shapes. I’ll admit , there might be more in there that I missed because I did start skipping through because I was getting that annoyed. 

It’s his own space and his channel so he can post whatever he wants , I just found it to sound and look more like a guy who just likes the sound of his own voice talking. Along with anything else , same with the threads on this forum… it’s a lot of this guys perspective and not just factual statements on safety and precautions. Personally , when looking to learn I’m searching for facts. Dictionary and scientific explanations for the terms being used , psychological terms and examples , safety tips , red flags , ect. A lot of this just … sounded like a guy talking about his harem. *vomit* Just because he is a therapist and has degrees doesn’t mean he is someone that ~should~ be listened to. 

I’ve also just never been a fan of the community on YouTube , I’ve said it in other Ddlg YouTube threads but it always just comes off as fake to me , like a big show. There’s lovely people and I have no issue with them or them being open about their lifestyle , a lot of people in my daily life know I’m a middle even customers … but being taped and edited and all that just curated. Not for me. I like my lifestyle RAW please. 

Again , if you like this guy that’s awesome. This is just my measly two cents from my monkey brain. 

Edited by DaddysMonkey
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Posted (edited)

I'm confused how he says that our sexual and loving nature is biological from what our parents showed us and then goes to say that our nature is also to search for what our parents failed to show us (hence the daddy issues). Which is it? How does this explain people who are vanilla or into BDSM but not the Ddlg dynamic? The way he went on about "how to be a little or baby girl" felt more like "this is the only correct way to do it". Being a little, middle, sub, or whatever should come naturally and be your own. There are similarities that overlap but he kept saying, "Make sure you are doing..." or "You need to be like this..." and it felt invalidating to me being myself. He comes off as pigeon holing what a dom or little is. There's no humility and he talks like he knows everything about this. This isn't a college course that must go by the book to get a grade you have to pass.


Or maybe he's just a dom that I would never connect with 🤷‍♀️ Just nope. I don't like this guy.

P.S. The thumbnail with BinkiePrincess (can't remember her real name) does upset me to be the face of Ddlg. I don't see her as appropriate to be an example what being a baby girl or little is.  It's upsetting what she has said and done to represent Ddlg.

Edited by andrielisilien
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Most of what needs to be said has already been said, but I also don't like being lumped in with "incest" kink because that is definitely not what I'm into and I feel like most people aren't here for "incest" play which would be more Daddy/daughter. I think it's an entirely seperate kink which may sometimes be combined with DD/lg for some, but not all. This kink being lumped with incest is part of why it gets such a bad reputation on the internet and why so many people feel very strongly against it to the point of hate.

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Videos provided are extremely inaccurate to the lifestyle , try again. 

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You can tell by the way it's primarily clickbait that the creator will not have much humility. I will watch it to get angry.

  • Haha 1

Goodness gracious this is horrible. He just told me he was primal to my eyes

  • Haha 1

Wow! That has been excellent feedback and caused me to look at this presenter in a different light. I did look up his website, and he does have a bias into BDSM, even running a special "Super Sex God/Goddess" course he sells for $10,000.

Yeah, even though I like the intent and the psychological direction he's trying to take, I have to agree he's biased and doesn't speak for DDLG. I'll keep looking for better.

I'll delete those links. Thanks for the input everyone!!

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18 hours ago, WizardofOSS said:

Wow! That has been excellent feedback and caused me to look at this presenter in a different light. I did look up his website, and he does have a bias into BDSM, even running a special "Super Sex God/Goddess" course he sells for $10,000.

Yeah, even though I like the intent and the psychological direction he's trying to take, I have to agree he's biased and doesn't speak for DDLG. I'll keep looking for better.

I'll delete those links. Thanks for the input everyone!!

He is a fraud. Has no insight into anything. Spent an hour stroking his own ego while feigning sex education. I hope no one ever bought his course.

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