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Little not liking a task

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My little has told me she doesn't like a task I have set her. This after saying she likes the task. The reasons she gives are very easily overcome so there's really no reason not to complete her task. Any advice to a new DDLG relationship?
You shouldn't force anyone to do something they don't want to do. You should talk with her to find out what exactly has made her uncomfortable with the task.
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As a daddy, any task I asked of my little was something she needed to do to help her in her daily life. Things like eating good, brushing her teeth etc.

She may have initially agreed to the task to please you.  My advice is not to push it. The task is never more important than the relationship. I hope this helps

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More often than not people tend to like the idea of something rather than the reality of it. Could be she liked it at first and then found it to be incredibly impractical for day to day life. Like always consent is important and so is communication. What you see as easily overcome she may not. My advice is to also not push it or you two could talk and find another task that suits both your needs.  

Thank you for the advice. Much appreciated.

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