Condevirous Posted June 10, 2021 Report Posted June 10, 2021 So... I kinda disappeared from this forum for a while but now I'm back with some questions that I'm unsure of how to approach (also I apologize ahead of time if this is in the wrong forum section, I'm still learning). The title says it all. I need some advice on how to bring out my inner Daddy figure, or my inner dominant side. I'm naturally a submissive guy with switch tendencies, and I find it much easier to fall into subspace rather than put in the work to be anything else because it is very draining for me. This is problematic, as my gf and I have discussed some things and I found out she would like for me to put forth a little more effort in certain situations, and I am trying to do just that, as she deserves more than what I've been giving her. That being said: how do you hype yourself up to provide care for your partner/Little (not always a Little, but that part of our relationship is very separated and I'd like to try and figure out a way to make her feel comfortable with her inner Little without avoiding me altogether during it)? Is there a certain way you approach a situation? Do you have to think about certain things? And do you always feel confident in that position (I ask this because I am still working on my self consciousness)?P.S. For clarification, I know that being a Daddy and being a Dom are not tied to each other and are not the same, I'm asking for advice on both of those topics separately. 1
Jessie<3 Posted June 10, 2021 Report Posted June 10, 2021 From a littles perspective- when in littlespace my main enjoyment comes from praise and just simple things that are caring. For example you could make sure you walk on the road side when you're out or wash her hair or put suncream on her e.c.t small carung gestures add up and make us so happy! When im feeling more submissive than little, i like to feel like I have no control - even though i obviously do for saftey - but for me that comes from being restrained either physically or verbally I hope this helps 1
Guest Aquaman Posted June 10, 2021 Report Posted June 10, 2021 Listen carefully. As the daddiest diddliest dom out there I will share my infinite wisdom. If you truly want to unlock your inner daddy dom first you travel to Russia. Then, venture out into the jungles and look for a Siberian tiger, if you find a panda you’ve gone too Far East. Once you find the tiger you must fight and KILL the tiger with your bare hands if you use a weapon you will not unlock your inner daddy dom, instead you will unlock your inner pet and begin to live the rest of your life in the jungles of Russia as a snow sheep. Good luck my friend. The road ahead is treacherous bring a coat. Love, aquaman
DerbyNerd Posted June 10, 2021 Report Posted June 10, 2021 I tend to agree with Jessie, the little things matter the most to me when I'm little with my daddy. I appreciate if he decides what we will eat or picks something for us to watch; because for me littlespace is a time for me to relax fully and not have to think about anything. My primary love language is also physical touch so that includes lots of cuddles, head scratches etc. Maybe spend some time planning something you know your little would like, or having some littlespace foods available for a movie night. Gently ask her if she is willing to include you in her activities - since it sounds like she has little time already. Again this doesn't have to be huge - it could be that you're in the same room and you are doing your thing while she does her little thing (colouring, movie, whatever it is for her) then just periodically check in on her or do something you think she might need (bring her water or juice or milk, ask to see her colouring and praise how good it is - stuff like that). 1
DaddyDomination Posted June 12, 2021 Report Posted June 12, 2021 There's not a strict doctrine on how you have to be. As long as you and yours are happy and things are working well. That's all that matters. I am too strict as a Master for most. That's because I spent most of My Dom time with brats in need of taming and switches who wanted to get their sub time in and get that itch scratched. Far as getting psyched up. I mainly remind Myself My girl is counting on Me to be Firm, Fair, and there for them. I wake before the sun usually but wishing her a good morning when she wakes gets My day off to a good start.
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