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Making daddy smile

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Guest MyDaddyMyWorld

So its been a tough week. Daddy has been super busy, which meant I hardly got many texts for a few days. Even though I know his job is really tough, with silly shifts and very long hours, I sometimes still get grumpy.

Anyway, I kinda got upset and complained a bit to him. He got upset in return and was a bit grumpy back, which actually devastated me. Only one grumpy text, but you'd think he'd been a horrid monster lol. He wasn't, but he had every right to defend his actions.

I can't tell him something is fine, then keep changing my mind. Poor guy is doing the best he can!

Anyhooooooo.......so I apologised like seventeen gazillions times, and asked if he can still come see me tonight, which he can. Spending the whole night together, so yaaay :)

Wanted to make him smile, show him I want to do something nice for him, so I baked flapjacks! Never baked before, hehe, but flapjack is one of his most favourite things, and hey, its only three ingredients lol.

They came out perfect!!


What do you guys do to make daddy smile after you have had the grumps?


Oh I know this all too well. After our daughter was born I would get the grumps for no reason at my Daddy because I wasn't taking the time to let my self be little. It wasn't his fault I just felt very stressed with working and being a new mom and still taking care of the house.


To make it up to him I'd cook something he loves to eat, give him back rubs/ scratches (oops kitten came out lol) and just lots of love and attention. And once I found a way to let my little back out I'd draw pictures or put on a puppet show for him which always made him smile.


What a great post :) I'd love to hear how more littles make their Daddy's smile. Sometimes it seems all the focus is on making us happy but Daddys are equally important.

Guest MyDaddyMyWorld

Oh my goodness yes absolutely. I hate to see things that totally ignore daddy's needs, saying littles are the only thing that matters. What a load of old rubbish lol.

Both people in any relationship are just as important.

My daddy has a high stress and demanding job that causes him to be on call once a night a week so I don't get my usual attention.. I usually get the grumps and daddy gets grumpy.. so I usually have breakfast ready when he gets home
Guest MyDaddyMyWorld

Thats nice :)

Its ok to be grumpy now and then as long as you try apologise when you realise.

Guest Pouty Kitten

Whenever my Daddy is feeling bad or sad, I give him a massage or I cook him his favorite meal. Daddy always says the stomach is the way to a man's heart, lol. Sometimes I will surprise him with a drawing/coloring that I've finished, too.

Guest MyDaddyMyWorld
Oh yes, they like to be fed, hehe. I have drawn him a couple of pictures which he loved.
A wonderful idea I have just found that I am planning on using for my daddy is a Remember When jar. It is relatively cheap and can be romantic or silly. All you need is a jar and some paper and ribbon and a hole punch. What you do is you take some paper and write "Remember when.." on it, hole punch it and thread the ribbon threw it. Then you then it around the jar and full the jar with little slips of paper that have little memories written on them. You can roll the slips up like little scrolls or just fold them, depending on what suits your fancy. :) I'm excited to give this to my Daddy, I think he will love it.

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