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Communication Problems

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So I'm looking for advice from Daddies and littles about how to communicate better? I'm a little and I have a hard time talking with my Daddy about things that bother me. Not because I don't trust him or anything, but because a lot of times we have discussions right after a spanking and I have trouble with words then. Then I'll be driving home and I'll have all these thoughts and text Daddy all this stuff that's either bothering me or I feel we need to talk about and I feel like it's not fair because, I mean, a relationship should not be built on text messages. Especially the important stuff. It's just that I'm much more coherent when I'm writing, not always when I'm talking because once I say something, there's no backspace button or eraser. And Daddy tells me to just talk, but sometimes it's just hard to make words, especially in little/sub-space.

So if anyone could give me some advice for how I, as a little, can learn to communicate better, it would be greatly appreciated.

I can totally relate to this. I have a terrible time actually talking to Daddy about things I need as a little. It either goes one of two ways, I get really nervous and scared then can't find the words at all or I get overly excited and just completely overwhelm Daddy. Neither are very productive. I'm fantastic at WRITING my thoughts though. So what we came up with is this, I keep a little journal. Mine is actually a password protected secondary blog on tumblr that only Daddy has the password for. I put all of my thoughts there and Daddy checks it frequently. Sometimes it's something simple that doesn't require a follow up conversation but sometimes it is. I've already got out what I need to say so it's usually just Daddy clarifying or reassuring me. It works really well, we still actually speak about it but I get to put my thoughts in order and he knows where my head is before we actually talk about it. I also really love tumblr for this because I can leave links to related things I want Daddy to read about too but you could do the same thing with a cute notebook or whatever feels best for you. :)

Maybe after spanks, as a part of your aftercare, you can have some time set aside to write down your thoughts and feelings on a piece of paper. It can be in letter for, a bunch of phrases, or even just a bunch of random words. Then you can read the paper to your Daddy or have him  read it. Then you two can openly discuss this stuff after. This way, you're still have to get your thoughts down first in a more coherent way and have a verbal discussion. 


This is an excellent way to communicate if speaking is feeling difficult and it's hard to express the words verbally. I do this sometimes if I'm extremely nervous; write the ideas on my phone really quickly and show them to someone I know so that I can get that idea out. That situation very rarely happens to me now as I've begun to overcome social anxieties, but the idea applies not just to social situations but to situations such as yours where communication is important.


You should follow up on those text messages you do send. Then move the communication closer to after the scene to the point where your Daddy may be asking questions that give small answers during aftercare. Then you can work your way into communicating more clearly. Now obviously this isn't entirely sound, logical progression and obviously you may not actually be able to do. But it's steps you can take to get yourself communicating better.


This topic is great because I have a really bad habit of bottling things up and Daddy has gotten me to talk about a lot of things but normally it takes a lot of prodding and asking. I should talk to him about a journal or something because he understands my need to write stuff out some times. <3 Thanks guys!!

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I think before a spanking your Daddy should explain to you why.


I also know some people keep a diary, that way there daddy and them can read it together and there Daddy can understand their thoughts. You could try that.  :3

Guest Pouty Kitten

I can be the same way at times so I keep a journal and write down my thoughts. It helps me better organize my thoughts, ideas, concerns, etc. Just like Sae said, you can have your Daddy read your journal too!

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