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pacis and adult braces?

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I have adult braces but I'm a little and really want a paci. The only problem is; I'm not sure if the binky would mess with my braces / make them take longer. If I were to get one, id get the Nuk 4 or 5, if that matters.
Guest littlemissragamuffin
Well I don't know about braces with the metal and all, but I've used my binkies all my life and my teeth are just fine. So, I don't believe that it would take longer using one...
  • 6 months later...

So, sorry to like resurrect a super old thread buuuuut… I actually just got braces and have the exact same questions. I've tried searching but I can't really find anything anywhere, and It's not like I'm going to ask my orthodontist… so I've kinda just figured I won't use my paci for the time being.


I used to have braces and I think the effects of pacis/thumb sucking are significant on teeth, before or after braces. In some people it's more evident and they go for braces, in others it's slightly less and they deal with it. I had braces a few years ago and now even when I suck my thumb, I'm extra careful. I sort of just leave it in my mouth rather than vigorous sucking (:p sorry for the vivid description) But yes. It will probably increase the time of your treatment. If you continue after too, chances are your teeth will go back to the way they were. My mom's a dentist and she always wacks my hand away when I suck my thumb. XD If you want to continue sucking your paci, you'll have to definitely reduce the intensity with which you suck it but I think if you're extra careful, it shouldn't make much of a difference.

Hope this helps! :heart:

  • Like 1
It actually has an impact on teeth movement. I would be very careful if you don't want to damage your treatment. ^^

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