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Little and SH: Please advice, I really need help. (TRIGGER WARNING)

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Posted (edited)


I want to start out by saying this is a minor warning for a Self Harm trigger (just discussing it, nothing big, I'm sorry). I don't want to hurt anyone but I'm looking for genuine advice.


So I haven't ever harmed myself and I of course do not want to- but the other day I was feeling little and was driving home with my daddy and missed two of the turns on the way home. I was so upset with myself that I started crying and immediately bit down on my thumb really really hard. I didn't recognize that I was hurting myself in the moment- but I definitely was. I was just so disappointed and upset with myself for making those mistakes. Had I not been little it would have been fine but I was pretty deep in it for some reason or other. I kept biting but my daddy calmed me down and finally helped my to stop biting myself. I didn't break the skin, but I was biting hard enough that it had bruised the next day.


Again, I haven't ever felt like hurting myself before that, but it was just a moment that I was so disappointed in myself and felt like I had really upset him (even though it was such a small thing). I've now recognized that in the past when I've felt little and upset I've also dug into my hands with my nails. I don't know why I seem to want to hurt myself when I'm upset and little, but I don't want to hurt myself.


Please, does anyone know how to stop this? I felt so guilty about the fact that I was doing it and it made me want to bite harder. I don't want to do that. Has anyone done this before and how did you stop? Do you have any ideas to why I did it when little but haven't ever when I'm big? I really need help because I'm terrified I'm going to do it again if I feel that upset.


Thank you a lot for any help you can give.



SIDE NOTE: I just wanted to also make it very clear that my daddy hasn't ever made me feel like I have to be disappointed in myself. He is the kindest most forgiving person I've ever met- so I know that its a my mental thing and not something that he does. He makes everything feel okay and helped me out of it. Just wanted you to know that it wasn't his fault or anything. Thank you, sorry.

Edited by Froggy♡
Guest awkward kitty
Posted (edited)


Hello  :D

I go through something similar to what you mentioned...whenever i m in little space and i feel overwhlemed,due to whatever reason.i end up biting my wrist(or shoulder,leg whtever my mouth can get to) or peeling my nails sometimes to the extend of drawing blood.even though the thing that got me feeling this way was as small as watching a animal documentry or super loud public places..

My only ever explanation to it for myself was,that since in little space i feel all my emotions a bit hightened.and with no-where to put this sudden wave of emotion i end up taking it out on myself until some physical emotion snaps me out of it...

Over the months i have comeup with some sorta  solutions to deal with it in that moment..idk if they'll be of  help to u but imma just state them...

-rubbing  ice over my neck or wrist(wherever i wanna bite)

-holding a stuff toy in my mouth and biting down on that

-i sometimes laydown by the edge of the bed with my head hanging upside down

-legit just screaming until me tierd

-holding a squish ball and squeezing it really tight

-breaking lego models 

-tearing a large amount of paper

-just moving in circles at a fast pace until me feel dizzy

-i also always keep a mint inhaler(normally used to just get rid of bad smell or cold from ur nose)and take a big whiff from it

-eat a lot of sour candy all at once(my fav,works a charm)

-eating a chewing gum while i count each bite(works only sometimes)

-sitting in a almost squatting position until my legs give out



This stuff works for me all the time and i hope it helps you too.Thou i would  also suggest you take this matter to a professional if the habit gets out of hand,since even if your intension was not to harm-it is still a bit dangerous

-U seem like a really nice person..If u need someone to talk to about absolutely anything.feel free to pm me <3

-Hope you feel better soon <3

Edited by awkward kitty

:( I'm sorry, honey. I wish I could help. All I can offer is a little insight into why scientists think self-harm works, so hopefully you can use that knowledge to figure something safer out.


Pain causes a cascade of chemical reactions in our brain. In a really tricky situation where you might be panicking, the moment of physical harm will snap you into a calmer state where you can think more clearly. It acts as an emotional anesthetic.


It's really important that in a time where you may be feeling emotionally vulnerable, like in little space, you have ways of venting/expressing your pain in a healthy way. It's great that you have such a caring daddy. Those moments can be super intense and scary, but having someone there who can reassure you that you're going to be okay will probably help a lot.


You might want to see if you can outline certain times or situations where you're more likely to feel stressed, like maybe late at night, or while driving, or any kind of pattern you can notice. Be aware of those triggers and remember to be extra gentle with yourself. Treat yourself like the scared kid you are, and try not to punish yourself for being overwhelmed.

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