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Curiosity killed the Monkey.

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So , as stated in previous posts and should be apparent by now : I work in customer service.


Obviously this comes with a multitude of issues (and great things , not all of customer service is bad. I have some AMAZING customers).


I’m the only female that works in our company , so I already deal with some sexism from customers (gIrLs CaNt FiX MeChANiCaL DevIceS DURDURDUR). This also causes people to think I’m there just because men tend to buy things easier from semi attractive- very attractive females. I don’t think I’m all that and a bag of chips but I do have customers hit on me. If they’re respectful , great. If not , feel my wrath.


What REALLY grinds my gears though.... is MARRIED FUCKIN MEN trying to fuck around on their wives who are also my customer. I understand that some people are open , poly , ect. But it’s pretty obvious a dude isn’t in a situation like that when he tries to be sneaky and lie or say things like “what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” Fuckin losers.



My question is , for all of you opinionated lovely humans ...


If you were in a situation where a husband and wife were your customers.. and the husband (or whatever gender would fit your preferences and situation) started hitting on you behind their wife’s back (completely unreciprocated) and have told him numerous times that he’s married and you have no interest and he should really respect his wife... what would you do ?


Do you tell the wife ? Is that unprofessional ? Would you say it to her face , anonymously ?

Do you continue to just remind him of his wife and not entertain him and not tell the wife ?


Honesty is huge for me , and I’m really not one to judge people’s life choices. But shit like this really pisses me off , especially when I have to look in the wife’s face and sell her products knowing what a fuckin douche bag her husband is.


So I’m just curious , what would you do ?


I think one of the important things to think about is what you would gain and or possibly lose from telling her?


Let's say you tell her what are the possible outcomes:

She believes you. confronts her husband. the husband then gets angry and comes back to the shop and hopefully doesn't cause any extreme damages to the property and or bodily harm to you. You possibly lose both people as a customer. (which the guy no big deal) people when married act out pretty bad when they're normal is threatened even if they are the cause of it.


You tell her and she doesn't believe you the husband can still come in and get angry and cause damage to the property or you. You'd most likely lose both customers.


Now if you don't say anything things are going to continue how they are the husband may become more persistent and that is not okay either. apparently he doesn't seem to respect the boundaries you've set so it's up to you if you would like to have him no longer come into your store but then you run the risk of the wife asking questions and see about scenarios.


no matter which way you try to approach the situation there can be some pretty unpleasant outcomes. Whatever you decide to proceed with caution.

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Guest Princess_McBunnyhay
Posted (edited)

So , as stated in previous posts and should be apparent by now : I work in customer service.


Obviously this comes with a multitude of issues (and great things , not all of customer service is bad. I have some AMAZING customers).


I’m the only female that works in our company , so I already deal with some sexism from customers (gIrLs CaNt FiX MeChANiCaL DevIceS DURDURDUR). This also causes people to think I’m there just because men tend to buy things easier from semi attractive- very attractive females. I don’t think I’m all that and a bag of chips but I do have customers hit on me. If they’re respectful , great. If not , feel my wrath.


What REALLY grinds my gears though.... is MARRIED FUCKIN MEN trying to fuck around on their wives who are also my customer. I understand that some people are open , poly , ect. But it’s pretty obvious a dude isn’t in a situation like that when he tries to be sneaky and lie or say things like “what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” Fuckin losers.



My question is , for all of you opinionated lovely humans ...


If you were in a situation where a husband and wife were your customers.. and the husband (or whatever gender would fit your preferences and situation) started hitting on you behind their wife’s back (completely unreciprocated) and have told him numerous times that he’s married and you have no interest and he should really respect his wife... what would you do ?


Do you tell the wife ? Is that unprofessional ? Would you say it to her face , anonymously ?

Do you continue to just remind him of his wife and not entertain him and not tell the wife ?


Honesty is huge for me , and I’m really not one to judge people’s life choices. But shit like this really pisses me off , especially when I have to look in the wife’s face and sell her products knowing what a fuckin douche bag her husband is.


So I’m just curious , what would you do ?


I would say to whoever that "one more time the same shit I will tell your wife (or whatever) + tell my manager about a customer who is harrasing", bad customers do get banned if they harras employees. And I would leave it there, just state your boundaries and make them scared to get peace.


It sucks but getting involved in too much drama will only bring you worries and assholes don't change unless they really want to themselves.


I am also sure wives know they are married with a douche. Just leave other people's drama after getting yourself out is my honest opinion.

Edited by Princess_K_1st
Guest Hero_Yuri
If some man's wife was trying stuff to me, I would tell the guy. I already was in that situation a good amount of times(not working though) and my experiences they never care 1 bit, have a attitude about it, learned no lesson, and kept on being scum.
Guest UnicornPuff
I would first tell your manager/supervisor that way the behavior is documented. That way, if it continues, you can say something to the wife (because I think she needs to know what she’s married to), and — if he or she decide to cause trouble — you are already on record.
Posted (edited)

So , as stated in previous posts and should be apparent by now : I work in customer service.


Obviously this comes with a multitude of issues (and great things , not all of customer service is bad. I have some AMAZING customers).


I’m the only female that works in our company , so I already deal with some sexism from customers (gIrLs CaNt FiX MeChANiCaL DevIceS DURDURDUR). This also causes people to think I’m there just because men tend to buy things easier from semi attractive- very attractive females. I don’t think I’m all that and a bag of chips but I do have customers hit on me. If they’re respectful , great. If not , feel my wrath.


What REALLY grinds my gears though.... is MARRIED FUCKIN MEN trying to fuck around on their wives who are also my customer. I understand that some people are open , poly , ect. But it’s pretty obvious a dude isn’t in a situation like that when he tries to be sneaky and lie or say things like “what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” Fuckin losers.



My question is , for all of you opinionated lovely humans ...


If you were in a situation where a husband and wife were your customers.. and the husband (or whatever gender would fit your preferences and situation) started hitting on you behind their wife’s back (completely unreciprocated) and have told him numerous times that he’s married and you have no interest and he should really respect his wife... what would you do ?


Do you tell the wife ? Is that unprofessional ? Would you say it to her face , anonymously ?

Do you continue to just remind him of his wife and not entertain him and not tell the wife ?


Honesty is huge for me , and I’m really not one to judge people’s life choices. But shit like this really pisses me off , especially when I have to look in the wife’s face and sell her products knowing what a fuckin douche bag her husband is.


So I’m just curious , what would you do ?



if it were me and i know im not really able to understand, i wouldnt say anything i would make sure the husband knew i wasnt interested then i would proceed on like nothing happened, its not your job to out those men and its also not worth your job if a customer complains about you "lying" like that


just keep your head down and make sure those men know how disgusting they really are by being better and ignoring them, they will go elsewhere but thats not your problem

Edited by Aetherr
Posted (edited)

I used to work in customer service and I wouldn't say anything to her. I would consider it not my business to meddle there. Whatever problems they have are theirs and not yours.

1.) She might not believe you and accuse you of something instead.

2.) He might cause any variety of issues for you to the point of making you lose your job or threatening you.

3.) They might bad mouth your place of employment to lots of other people which could be damaging to your business.


Now, if you are the manager or if there is a manager above you I would of course start with saying no thanks or just being very clear that there is no mutual interest and redirect his attention somewhere else. If he continues anyways, you can either say you'll be right back and get someone else that can help (a higher up employee or a willing male employee), or you can tell him that if he does not stop this will be considered sexual harassment and that he will have to leave and/or you will refuse to assist him any further.


Unfortunately because it's a business you have to be tactful but there are still good ways to handle it to keep yourself out of any real problems while also trying to get him to stop. If for some reason none of that works, then get the police involved as a last resort because at that point you shouldn't have to put up with it. Plus, then his wife will end up finding out indirectly by you calling in the authorities rather than you confronting her directly and saying something which may come across as hostile, or she'll assume wrongly and think you're into him or something and trying to cause troubles.


Hopefully this helps! This can be modified for a variety of situations where you feel the need to be more tactful.


Also, being tactful can be helpful because people who are rejected, don't get their way, etc sometimes become really nasty, obsessive, hostile, so on and so forth. You don't want to unintentionally spark the worst in somebody. Being tactful is far less work in the long-run than dealing with a potentially bigger problem. 

Edited by Vampiress

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