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I'm absolutely distraught

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So I met a really nice daddy on here a few days ago and we were talking and everything was going so well and all and so I was just in a call with him and he had just said if I were going to ghost you id have blocked you (since i was worried since he hadnt responded much) then he says he has no reason to block me and says im his and i giggled a little and such and everything was going well and he leaves the call, i try to call back and he doesn't answer- i try to message and hes blocked me?!?!? I cant understand this... what could I have done I'm so confused and sad i cant handle this kind of thing.

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Hey... I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. I've had it happen with someone about 5 months ago? We called once a day and sent messages all day. Then out of nowhere after saying good night and love you to each other I get blocked on all social media by her and never contacted again. You can't look inside other peoples heads and read their thoughts. Just know that it was NOT your fault and that the other person has some big, big issues.

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To me you did nothing wrong. It is also very possible that he was cheating and he either got caught or almost got caught and that is why he disappeared and blocked you

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Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong to deserve a blocking, just trusted the wrong person way too quickly. I think GayKitten summed up everything perfectly. Just be more careful and less quick to trust in the future, on the internet ghosting is insanely common and way too easy for people to do. Often randomly with no reason that will be apparent to you. I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope it never happens again.

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Thanks guys... i did jump the gun i guess- but i really liked him he seemed perfect til that moment..

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Thanks guys... i did jump the gun i guess- but i really liked him he seemed perfect til that moment..

I am sure you'll find someone who is better <3

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