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Qaurintine has really changed me

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I go to bed at like 8 pm and wake up super tired at around 4 am also really hungry but I have to wait till 7

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise" :) 

If I wake up too early, and I feel hungry, and I cant fall back to sleep because my tummy is too empty, I have a little snack. A banana, or a piece of cheese, or something else that's simple and won't wake me up even more by having to prepare something. Another thing that helps is to have a little snick snack right before you climb into bed. A nice piece of toast with nut butter is good to keep your tummy happy for a big sleep!

That sounds like a dream.. I go to sleep at 2 in the morning and wake up around noon! O.o




Junebug x

I learned that the reason I'm tired despite having a good sleeping schedule for once in my life , is because I have a poor eating regiment

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