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Dating Yourself as a Little?

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So my senpai and I broke up a few days ago. Alot of you mentioned on another post of mine that some time off from relationships would be good, and I whole-heartedly agree. Not gonna lie, things have been really rough, but I've managed to keep myself from crying in front of anyone, and we've been doing okay on a friends level. We have lunch together and see each other every day, and it's been a pretty healthy breakup. 


But that's not the real point of my topic - I read an article about dating yourself and I'm really interested. In a completely non-narcissistic way, I'd like to do fun things with myself or buy myself treats without feeling guilty. I found this article about dates to take yourself on, but I'd like to be able to do more little things with myself. Does anyone have any ideas here? For me at least, it's hard to feel so little without a dom around.


Well first off I'm happy you took our advice and are both doing well.


Second this question was like made for me (I have a dom but we're in a LDR so I'm never with him) I think the best little dates for yourself are simples ones

a trip to Toys R us

a Trip to the toy section of target (they have Tsum Tsums <3)

A trip to build a bear

a disney story if one is around


Dress in something that makes you feel young and pretty, have a date night with yourself with coco covered popcorn and your favorite movie or disney movie, snuggle with your favorite stuffy, color, make something and so much more

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