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Questions about paci's, coloring and more

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So, I have a few questions and they're all over the place, I hope one topic is alright with that.


- I have two big paci's and I love them, the only thing is they inflate in an instant. I tried letting air back in through the back, but when I reassemble them and stuff, they deflate the moment I use them again. Do you have any tips on that? How do I seal the parts so it doesn't do that anymore? (And is there a central topic on buying paci's? <3 I love browsing them in little space)


- I also want to try coloring in little space, I'm just a bit picky on what coloring books I like. Which ones do you like the most? What do you look for and do you have tips? I like a bit of details but not the mandala kind, I like flowers, nature, pretty things.


- Also general tips on how to start little space and/or how to let go a bit more? I'm always a bit scared to let go and let my inner little out. Do you have activities that trigger it more and make you let go more? Thank you <3


1) not sure how to help on this one sorry, I'd try getting new ones tbh


2) I printed my coloring book out myself with images found on google and other sites


3) I found that being alone at home or being with a CG was the only way I could get into that head space(which is why I havn't in a while), but cute kids shows, cute snacks, an outfit, etc if you link somethings to little space it will be easier to enter little space when you have them


good luck and be safe!



- Huuh deflation? maybe they have holes? I have never had that problem

- I love kids ones in general, i don't really use "adult" ones with lots of lines and that's really like cluttered (besides from my pusheen one) and I love ones with activity books. My tip would be to try a wide variety of ones.

- I've just kinda always let it flowed. My tip would be to just do what you enjoy! Watching cartoons? Do that! Blowing Bubbles? Do That! You'll find it

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