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A Poem for Littles & Caregivers with Depression

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As someone who suffers from chronic depression and anxiety, I know it's hard to even wake up some days. But there's always a reason to wake up. Sometimes waking up is half the battle! Just remember Little's, Mommy's, Daddy's and Caregivers, today you woke up. You made it to today, and you're still here for a reason! Enjoy the poem. :3


Fun Fact: I wrote this at 5 am when I woke up early for no reason I was like half asleep still...



Today, I Woke Up


Today, I woke up
Why did I bother?
I keep saying I don't want to be here
So why am I?
Today, I woke up
And I curse this day
I wish sometimes
I would just disappear

Today, I woke up
Angry, at myself.
Angry at the world.
Just angry
Today, I woke up
They say it gets easier
But that has yet to be seen
I just want to smile is that a crime?

Today, I woke up
Sore, and tired
Like I always do
But it feels different
Today, I woke up
I finally graduate
Not just from High School
But from self-loathing and self-hatred

Today, I woke up
It's my first day of College
My first day in a new place
I'm scared...but excited
Today, I woke up
And I work at my new job
I know it's temporary
But nonetheless am I happy

Today...I woke up
And I look back at my past
The time I wasted hating myself
The time I wasted being angry
I don't regret it
Today, I woke up
And I'm happy, genuinely happy
I don't have to put on a fake smile
No longer am I sore from depression
I'm sore because I worked hard
Cleaning outside around the house

Today, I woke up
And I'm happy I'm alive
Happy that my past attempts to end my life
Didn't work

Today, I woke up
With some words of wisdom for those out there
Hoping they don't wake up tomorrow
Don't be sad you woke up
It just means you're meant to be here
I know it's probably hard right now
But you'll get better
Better at teaching yourself
How to love who you are
How to stop being angry at yourself
I know I'm a stranger...
But I believe in you

Today, I woke up
And wrote this poem
Hoping it reaches someone's heart
Hoping it resonates to anyone out there
Today, you woke up
Because your time isn't over
It's just beginning



I posted this here because I've seen a few posts and heard by just lurking in chat that some Little's Mommy's, Daddy's and Caregivers suffer from depression and aren't sure what to do! I wrote this poem because I felt it might reach a few people who could use a little hope to hold onto. :3


Remember, you're here for a reason; a reason beyond your comprehension! It's OKAY to feel sad sometimes, but don't stay there too long! The world is a beautiful thing, and I know you don't feel that's true. But trust me...it's okay! Someone loves you, and know that your time isn't over. It's not over, until you're wrinkly and old. :3

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