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Things That Make You Feel Little

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Posted (edited)

Well manyyy thing make feel that I'm a Little,tihihi :


-When Daddy call me name like "His Good Lion-Boy","My Dear/Lovely Boy/Son"

-Cartoon (love Scoobeedoo,Squaresponge Bob,Pokemon,Godzilla : The Animated Serie,Djumanji ect)

-Ghibli and Disney movie or stuff

-Disney songs

-Plushies and toys (I collect toy and figurines,I just love it,I don't know why)

-When I call naughty toys "Adults toys" in an innocent tone

-Pyjama like this : https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/17/ba/2a/17ba2a8b06e938aca6334bb2f6288aa3.jpg ,they are so soft and warm me very well and all the one I have have Disney/Ghibli or video-games patterns on it,hihi :heart:

-When I want a cute clothe but they are designed only for children so I can't buy them,happen too many...

-When I reading fairy tales books,BD or animals book

-Everytimes I need to carry a plushy when I go somewhere outside my house,because they help me with my social anxiety

-When I play Nintendo video-games and all the Nintendo in general

-Coloring books... Even If I'm too shy for buy some (still leaving with my family,'cause I'm student)

-When someone is bigger/taller than me and I became nervous (I'm a very shy little)

-When I'm sleepy

-At breakfast

Edited by Baby Lion&Badger
Guest lil-kitten22

  • Daddy picking me up from home/work. He takes my back pack and tells me I'm to little to carry it

  • Wearing Daddy's shirt, it's all big and baggy and makes me feel small

Daddy and I drawing on each other with markers

Being called Little One, good girl, princess

Being tucked in for bed

Being read to

Daddy picking/ordering meals for me

Being held




Daddy holding my hand in parking lots/cross walks cuz I'm too little

Guest Kitteny kitten
I like wearing over sized shirts and cuddling with lots of soft blankets and pillows with my bear. I like having hot tea and watching cartoons. I like coloring lot :) bubble baths and candy and using my little voice always makes me happy

Playing/cuddling with my stuffies,

Forehead kisses ❤

Cuddles with daddy

When I'm trying to do something hard and he takes over for me

Getting tucked in at night

Pretty jammies

Guest Kitteny kitten

Watching anime, snuggling up in a big blanket. Wearing comfortable clothes

Eating cute sweets and candy's. Getting cuddles , forehead kisses. Having my bear sleep with me .

Guest Sweet16

+ First of all... my BJDs ;) dressing them up, photographing them... just playing. TONS of tiny dolly clothes floating around my room... LOVE it :D

+ wearing ponytails or two braids, apair of Docs and my checked dress

+ others being surprised at how old I actually am (well... never more than just some 5 years off, but it's always something :3

+ tiny stickers I put on letters, tiny sweets I put into them.

+ watching books with pictures (e.g. on painting) and collecting reprodctions, all in my 'special notebook for pretty things' ;)

+ my baby hairpins (gave them away to my sis, then I regained them...) so that people know that even wearing all black, I'm still harmless ;)

+ drinking bottled carrot juices when seeing my friends who order alco... still having just as much of a playful mood ;)

Posted (edited)


Edited by NyaKitty
Well I wike.. Pacis... And my stuffies... And Sofia the first make me feel wittle.. But I always wittle..

Things that make me feel little:

Cuddling with Daddy


Eating Animal Crackers

Drinking Juice

Watching My little pony or any of my other little space shows

Bows (Daddy gives me permission or surprises me with them)


My stuffies

Dressing up

My favorite blankie


:heart: Disney movies.

:heart: Soothers.

:heart: Stuff animals.

:heart: Hair bows.

:heart: Pigtails.

:heart: Knee socks.

:heart: Bed time stories.

:heart: Suckers. 

:heart: Snuggles from daddy.

:heart: All that good stuff. :) 


Wearing superhero undies.

Playing with action figures and dinosaur stuffies

Posted (edited)
Edited by princessmiapia

All pigtails!
My dinosaur sippy cup
STICKERS on my face
Hair clips
Blues Clues
My nighties
Food shaped like animals
Really big things

Guest Broken


-sippy cups

-being called honey, baby, sweetheart

-being in cute clothes

-listening to soft music

-teddy bears

-porch swings

-a plate with a cartoon character on it



~Pretty things



~Watching Disney movies


Ok thats all of the Cutsey stuff but other things that 'force' me into my little space are




~Being yelled at 


Posted (edited)
I almost always feel little too, but I especially feel little when I'm coloring, climbing on stuff, cuddling my stuffed Care Bears Funshine and Grumpy while sucking my thumb, watching Disney, or musical Annie,getting tucked in with bedtime story, and hearing a really stern voice while in the corner or otk getting spanked for being bratty or mischievious and then rubbing my sore bottom.



Edited by WonderheartBear713

Disney movies

watching cartoons with bae

coloring albums

writing my diary

cuddles with bae

my plushes

when I’m scared and bae cuddles me

when I’m sad and bae comforts me

baking sweets

my wardrobe

cute bracelets

reading fairytales or child books





4.cute panties

5.thigh highs♥

  • Like 1

*Listening to tim burton soundtracks 

*Musical Box Music

*my blanky

*Play fighting with , Daddy

*Having my hair brushed or played with

*Getting tucked into bed

*Cuddling and caressing  Daddy's scruffy face

*Chores ...sometimes

* Stockings and knee socks

* Mini high waisted skirts

* bows-ties

* Different types of dolly makeup


Geting my hair brushed out


Watching Disney movies with popcorn

Getting tucked in for bed

Going to get ice cream

Posted (edited)

For me it's: 

1.My stuffy 

2.Kid movies and tv shows. 

3. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu songs. 

4.Wearing cute clothing. 

5.Bubble baths. 

6.Cute candies 

Edited by MilkyLuna
Guest jaden.milk

~dressing up


~chocolate/strawberry milk


~Studio Ghibli movies

~ALL of my stuffies (they're all over my bed  :))

~fuzzy socks

~sippy cups


and the list goes on and on  :p 

  • Like 1

things that make me feel little!

other littles (talking to them and such when theyre in little space), when people call me cute names like princess or baby, cute things such as colors or clothes or stuffed animals, animals in general such as if i see a dog. honestly, the smell of vanilla can make me little. candles in general, but especially vanilla ones. blankets, dolls, someone taking care of me, daddy talking to me in a stern tone or in a loving tone, getting affection. lots of things to be honest


Bubbles, I can't stop myself going little when there's bubbles around!!

They just make me giggly!!

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