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Things That Make You Feel Little

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Guest Snuggle_Bunny

1. Cute Socks or Undies 

2. Coloring Books 

3. Watching Disney Movies 

4. Playing with my toys

5. Cuddling with my stuffie Mr. Tiger 

5. Getting a piggy back ride from Daddy

6. Watching Cartoons 

7: Onesies 

Guest Purple_Panda

Turkey dinosaurs and those potato smiley faces things! O_O

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Posted (edited)

☆ seeing daddy after being seperated for a few weeks
☆ long naps with daddy in the day time
☆ when daddy goes out and brings me my favourite snacks home

☆ drinking out of my baymax sippy cup
☆ when daddy makes turkey dinosaurs for dinner

☆ cuddling with my sulley stuffie
☆ when i see stuffies when i'm out shopping

☆ wearing daddy's t-shirts

☆ when daddy calls me bunny / bubby / his lil smiler

☆ pusheen :3

☆ when i buy dog treats for monty 

☆ sitting on daddy's lap while he plays video games

☆ when daddy and i are out and i see my picture in his wallet 

☆ cute animal videos 

☆ putting my hair into my 'bunny' style 

Edited by faerie.bunny
Guest TetraKitten

I feel little when...


I feel crappy so hang out with my family (they make me feel cute)

I fall asleep cuddling my puppy

I bust out my old disney games :3

I go bath with lots of bubbles then get in my cute pj's and snuggle on the sofa with my bear

I see geeky cute things and want them all

I drink milk with a flavour changing straw before bed

watching old Cartoon Network and Disney channel programs


Lots more too... :3 xo


I like stuffies








2.anything Disney haha

3.pretty panties


5.stuffies of course!


Lite brite, Christmas lights, bright colors in general, those crayon soaps I love those for playing in the tubby and leaning my colors. Saying dadda, using my little voice, being told daddy's proud of me. Called sweetheart and little one. Story time. Hide and seek under the blankets. Just being talked to like I'm a child "daddy knows you need help sometimes" " daddy's big helper" big girl for daddy.
When daddy let's me suck on his finger like a paci, he just offers it without me asking. When he cradles my head or let's me lay in his lap. The hungry catipeller, blues clues, power puff girls,
Posted (edited)

I feel little when I am on Tumblr, cuddling with stuffies, or coloring. When I play animal crossing or pokemon I always feel little! when my kittens cuddle me, I feel little, when I see cute things I feel little. When I wear Wolf's clothes I feel little. I'm pretty much always little.

watching disney or ghibli movies puts me in little space, little foods like chicken nuggies put me in little space, when Wolf plays with my hair and calls me a good little girl I go into little space.

Edited by LilPrincessSami

Sitting in daddys car and eating ice cream next to him

When he holds out his hand for me to hold, walking outside

Kneeling by his feet with my head on his lap as he strokes my hair

Daddy choosing my meals

Watching him fix my bike

Being called his good little girl

When I am dressed and he asks me to turn all the way around so he can see how I look

When he makes me giggle. I have only ever giggled for my daddy. Laugh, sure, giggle, never before.

Dis is SO cute!!!!!!


Things that make me feel little are

When Daddy calls me his Princess, or baby girl, or just acknowledges my littleness

When Daddy picks out my clothes

Wearing Daddy's clothes

Making Daddy happy

Making surprises for Daddy

Drawing and colouring, especially with Daddy

Playing games with Daddy

Watching Disney or 'kids' movies such as My Little Pony and Barbie

Snuggling my stuffies

Having my paci

Sippy cups

The Skype ringtone (cos I know it's Daddy)


Daddy teaching me

Daddy reading or singing to be (I love when Daddy sings 'Hush little baby')

Talking little/talking round my paci

Daddy making me giggle


I'm sure there is more...


  • Watching anime

  • Playing games

There is not enough on this list.

Guest naughtyEvi1996

:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  Cute panties and frilly or pink clothing. Binkies. Sippy cups. Watching cute anime. Doodling. Finger or water color painting. Making raver kandi(I am not actually a raver). Making a massive pile of soft blankets and burrowing into them. Being pet or having my hair brushed. Letting Daddy take me on walks(leading me). Having Daddy pick me up(I'm sort of chubby so this is exciting). Diapers or Diaper covers. My favorite thing that puts me in Little Space is having my Daddy cut all the stuff I'm preparing to cook. I'm honestly scary with a knife but a decent little chef so having Daddy helps both makes me feel little and a bit of a "big girl'.  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:


Wearing cute undies 

My binki

I always have a stuffed animal and blankie 

Wearing big shirts or Daddy's hoodies 

Being called good girl/boy

Holding hands

Sippy cups 

Wearing daddy's boxers and my binder, and putting on a cape and jump across furniture acting like a superhero  




Being read too


Ooh, ooh! I'll join in!


I love -

  • Kisses! All kinds! Especially forehead kisses and those on my cheek
  • Disney films!
  • Studio Ghibli films, too
  • My stuffies! Especially the ones I have that are super pink and frilly
  • Coloring
  • Cute lil' pajamas!
  • Dancing around to happy music, like Little Mix or One Direction
  • Cute names, like "Kitten" and "Baby girl" and "Princess"

wearing a onezie and having a stuffie sleeping with me :)

The thing that gets me into little space is daddy calling himself daddy. Also when my daddy calls me princess or little one.
I have a little cubbyhole space where I have a beanbag chair. I'm working on decorating it but what I do is I grab a stuffie and a blanket and I just lay down in there. It's just a place where I can feel safe.
Guest cake_png

Wearing pastel dresses

Coloring and drawing

Cartoons and Disney movies

Bubble baths

Using my paci

Drinking juice from my sippy cup

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  1. Drinking out of a sippy cup. ( mine has nemo on it!)

Cuddling meh stuffies

wearing footy jammies!

watching cartoons or Disney movies


dino chicken or animal crackers!

going to build a bear workshop ( O.o How can you not go into a place dedicated to making stuffies and not feel like a little kid?)

wearing fuzzy socks and sliding across tile or wood floors

BUBBLES in the bath tub or just in general

rubber duckies at bath time


•wearing footie pajamas

•coloring with crayons

•blankies and stuffed animals

•nap time

•eating little snacks

•watching cartoons

•being carried

•happy meals

•building with blocks or playing with toys


•being read to


Babydoll dresses, whimsical clothes, thigh high socks... Daddy can make me feel little. OH AND PACISSSSS!!!!!!


Um, certain music... My sippy cup. Cuddling. Being held having my forehead kissed...


Daddy can make me feel little so weellllllll. But I do love loose cute little babydoll dresses... They make me feel so tniy.

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