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My daddy, I love him a lot, but I'm just, dont even know what to say. My grandma is due to pass away at any given moment, and my father might get a second divorce. Daddy knows I need him, I've said it a million times in the last two weeks. He 'tries' but is never legitimately there for me. I'm just getting so tired of telling him how I feel and what I need him to work on. The only time he actually listens to my necessities is when I'm finally breaking down because of how alone and neglected I feel. He constantly falls asleep when I need him, cause the bad thoughts come at night. I just don't know what to do

I just went through something similar. but we broke up. She was over 12 time zones away so it was incredably hard to work through. I don't blame her for it though. I hope you figure stuff out. if they were good and had very little time, don't blame them. I'm sorry you are going through this. 

Posted (edited)

gonna be kinda harsh ;;w;; excuse my grammar, im not good at speaking my own language


he's not being a good daddy, much less a good boyfriend. if he's not there for you and the only push he gets is when

you're crying on him because of 'how alone and neglected you feel' and then go right back to his old ways, i doubt he's

going to change if you try to have a talk with him about how this makes you feel.

he knows you need help, especially with all the stuff going on in your life, and i'm really sorry about all of it. those are 

all really hard to go through at once. and you need someone that can get you through that, but he's not delivering that



i know you love him, but sometimes you have to just sit and say "i'll be happier if i find someone else/stay single". 

i don't think he's going to change if he's not even there for you when you need him most. i think you need to be strong

and break it off, and if you want to, try to find someone else who can deliver that comfort and care that you really need

right now


edit: and if he has a job, i still think he needs to comfort you a little bit. you're going through a lot, and he needs to realize

that when he comes home from work he has a little girl that needs his love ):


one more edit: https://prnt.sc/ozrf6d (sfw just a screenshot) looking at this post, if he's not being figurative and he's putting

more of that stress on you, i really think it's time to break it off

Edited by kitten!!
  • Like 1
Guest MonsterDaddy
Im sorry to hear about your grandmother. Losing family is never easy. And also your father's impending divorce... not easy for anyone involved. I dont have anything to say regarding your situation other than i hope you find the peace and happiness you're looking for. Suffering is lonely, and no one deserves to be lonely. Sending you good thoughts in the hope they find you.
Guest Daddy-Tom
Your profile tells a very different story than what you're saying here. What changed?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Your profile tells a very different story than what you're saying here. What changed?

profile is from when I first joined and hasn't been updated, honestly i cant put my finger on exactly what changed. Trust is a big possibility, he's lied so many times that its so difficult to not be anxious and insecure. I dont know if he stopped being a daddy, or if I just grew to need more of a daddy.

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