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What are YOU doing today to take care your little side/self?

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I wish Daddy could take care of me more! He’s far away and is unwell, so he doesn’t always have the energy to take care of me in the way we would both like. Sometimes I have to take care of the little side of me.


I like to blow bubbles while I’m getting ready for work. (This has made me late a few times.) I like to organize my little stuffed animal friends and the squishy gang so they don’t get bored with one another.


The excel spreadsheets that I use at work - the ones that are just for me, are WAY more colorful than what I would turn in to a coworker.


I sit in the bottom of the shower and sing songs to my rubber ducky while I’m washing up.


What do you do?

Posted (edited)
Edited by Little kaiya
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I don't have a Daddy rn so I just like to pretend I have one that gave me rules.

I'll do my toes and nails (rn I have a really cute pink color with glitter that makes me feel little everywhere I go, secretly just for me).

And other times Ill watch my favorite cartoons and draw.

I know it's really hard without your Daddy by your side.

Here are some rainbows for your day

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Guest LittleSnowiii

I'm calling my hairdresser! Want to dye my hair purple <3

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Guest Dulci
I'm going to have a nice relaxing bath and then do some colouring
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I need to do more self care..I always say I'm too busy. When I DO make myself take time I take bubble baths,color,play with face masks or my little toys ^.^
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