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Me and a large group of people decided their needed to be an official day for caregivers, Daddy Dom’s and Mommy dommes. So It is Official everyone there is now an official caregiver day which every year it will land on JULY 27th. a day to show love to your daddy Dom your mommy domme or your Caregiver. Don’t forget to mark this date on the calendar set time aside to do something special with your dom.

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Every day for me is Caregiver day. Every day and every moment with my Daddy is special. Every time he puts my play collar on, takes me for a leashed walk, cuddles me in his arms, calls, we go to a movie or cook together, do chores together or anything else together. I don't celebrate a special Wife or Spouse day so why would I need one for my Daddy Dom? Besides there's already a special day for Daddy Doms and Mommy Dommes, they're called Father's Day and Mother's Day.


I'm not sure which "large group" of people you consulted or decided this needs to be a thing but just because someone on an internet forum says it is now "official" doesn't make it suddenly so.


I mean the sentiment is nice but it feels kind of forced doesn't it?


Little kaiya

I think Father's day and Mother's day are for biological fathers and mothers who have endured the struggles of parenthood. There are some ppl who celebrate their caregivers on those days, but for many, it is definitely not fitting or appealing. I think an official caregiver day would be nice, but I don't think it's something a small group would decide. I suppose it would have to start somewhere tho. How does any other special day happen? Some large group had to make it happen and get the word out. Somehow ppl would have to plan and agree on it.

That's the nice thing about life, all the different opinions.


Some wouldn't celebrate those days with their caregiver but there are many examples of those who do. As for the idea that those days are for biological fathers and mothers that comes across as kind of insulting to fathers and mothers who adopted their children. I'll assume though that wasn't your intent. Fatherhood and Motherhood for a lot of people have to do with a lot more than just biology. Just becomes someone can get pregnant or get someone pregnant doesn't automatically make them a father or a mother.


Little kaiya

Of course, it is extended to adoptive parents. Generally was referring to those who take on a real parent role to children. That is who majority of the world see that day as celebrating. It was created for and meant for them. It being celebrated that way all your life, it can be hard to see it extending to anyone else. However, I am aware some ppl do extend that day to their caregivers, and if that's what they want to do then that is fine and their business. There is also many ppl who would not do that tho. This is why I think an official day for actual caregivers would be perfect since it would be a day meant for them vs leeching onto another groups day of which many in that group probably wouldn't approve of if they knew about it.

Personally I dont feel it is my place to tell someone how they can or can't celebrate something. I also don't feel that just because someone chooses to celebrate something in a different way that it takes away from others who are celebrating or that it is "leeching onto another groups day". Saying DDlg couples celebrating Father's or Mother's day is "leeching on" is kind of like people saying Valentine's day is only for monogamous couples or Canada day is only for citizens, it seems to be an effort to exclude people who are causing no harm.


As for the majority of the world seeing something a certain way, well the majority of people also had certain views about the LGBTQ community and other minority groups. Just because the majority see something a certain way doesn't make it true or mean that it's inclusive or respectful.


Personally I'd rather be inclusive than exclusive. If DDlg couples choose to celebrate Father's Day or Mother's day privately why should "real parents" get to say that's wrong or inappropriate? How does it harm them? Honestly, what gives them a right to judge people they've never met?


"Official Days" feel like they are becoming more of a way for people in that group to say "hey you don't belong" versus celebrating. They are becoming divise versus inclusive, which is kind of sad to me.


I've said my piece and will leave it here but I truly don't see how people celebrating things in different ways is harmful.


Little kaiya

I've never said it was harmful. I said if they want to do that, imo, it is fine and their business. I just think it would be more appropriate if they had their own day for their own group, but u can't tell ppl how to live their life. There is lots of days/months that where created to celebrate specific things. Black history month for example is to celebrate blacks and not all minorities. That's why other ministries have their own months/days. Even there being a pride day etc. I don't see these things as exclusive, it's just things to give a group their day/month to shine. I personally don't see the issue with ppl having their spotlight moment, but everyone is free to a different opinion. It is unfortunate that u took my view as saying it is harmful to celebrate as u wish, because that is definitely not what I suggested or intended. I merely wanted wanted to add my opinion of it be being more ideal for caregivers to have their own special day. Hopefully there is no hard feelings.

It's really super cute that you and several others have come up with this. Logo? Flyers? Come on, ideas, people - the clock is ticking XD


Really, I do get what little Kaiya is saying. But I personally would not expect my Little to be celebrating her relationship with me in the same breath as celebrating the same with her birth mother. Likewise, I would not feel at all comfortable with Fathers Day bearing any significance for my relationship with my Daddy. And as far as the argument goes for not limiting things to one day - I do get it. But hey, exactly as Babydoll pointed to, as an example, we've just had Pride month - and while I have an enormous amount of fun being queer for the other 11 months of the year, it's still frickin awesome to have your very own parade once in a while (yeah, maybe I did crowbar that in there, but heyho :D). And I'm obviously not saying that such a day would be equivalent to Pride or similar in terms of human rights and cultural significance (let's just not go there with that argument), but provided that there's no shallow commercialism seeping its way in (and to be honest, I can't see a 'Happy Caregiver Day' balloon in my local Card Factory any time soon, but I guess you never know) - it should surely be harmless, and for many CGs I'm sure, a welcome reminder of how valued they are. And the more occasions we find to celebrate individual characteristics, identities, cultures etc. surely the more inclusive we become? (Ever the optimist ;))

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