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Why does my daddy not love me and why does he hate me

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Guest LittleMissAnna
I don’t think he hates you , but I think you guys have to talk. Sometimes telling them how you feel is better then hiding it and letting them guess what is wrong. - Anna xoxo uwu
Guest crazycatdaddy

I'm afraid that no one will be able to answer for him and tell you what he's thinking. Talk to him about how he's making you feel and try to figure out what's going on with him. If he's ended your relationship or ghosted you, I'm very sorry but these things can happen in the online dating scene. People don't usually go from loving to hating in a single moment with the flip of a switch, so something's changed to get him to the point where whatever happened was able to happen. Hopefully there will be a reasonable answer but even if there isn't, don't beat yourself up about it. We all have to go through bad experiences before we find the right person. That's just how life works! You're going to be alright.  :)


I don’t understand I though I was good

You really haven't provided any information that would let anyone offer any thoughts that could be useful. If you truly want advice you need to provide some detail or all you will get are generic statements that wont mean very much.


Little kaiya

  • Like 4

Ask him. He'll probably know more than we do about this issue.

So we been together 8 months and we live together I’ve know him sence I was 5 and I’m now18 he’s 26 things where good for the first 3 months but the he slowly stopped doing any “daddy related stuff” he also threatens to tell everyone one and show screen shots if I piss him off ik I can be hard to handle sometimes but I try my best and it’s gotten to the point where u won’t show any affection unless he’s drunk or wants to “special play”
Guest Daddy-Tom
Posted (edited)
Okay that is abusive and I recommend you at least think about leaving if at all possible. You deserve better than this. Edited by Daddy-Tom
Posted (edited)

So we been together 8 months and we live together I’ve know him sence I was 5 and I’m now18 he’s 26 things where good for the first 3 months but the he slowly stopped doing any “daddy related stuff” he also threatens to tell everyone one and show screen shots if I piss him off ik I can be hard to handle sometimes but I try my best and it’s gotten to the point where u won’t show any affection unless he’s drunk or wants to “special play”

There are so many red flags and concerning statements in this short paragraph I dont even know where to start honestly . . .


Threatening to out you to people and show screenshots is blackmail, a serious breach of trust, abusive, immature and irresponsible . . . And that's just for starters.


Not showing affection unless he's drunk honestly sounds like an alcohol abuse problem. And only showing affection if he wants "special play" just sounds like he's using you.


Now, I dont know you or your partner and we're only getting one side of the story so understand what I write is based on what you've shared.


This is not a Daddy/little issue. What you've described is a relationship that is unhealthy, harmful and just in general toxic. I'm a huge advocate of communication but what you've described honestly sounds like it's way past the point of saving. Your partner sounds manipulative and uncaring at best and emotionally abusive as a more accurate description.


My question to you is why would you want to remain with this person? How do they improve your life or help you grow, feel loved . . . Heck, in what way are they a positive element of your life??


Let me reiterate, this is not a question of love or hate. The partner you describe dont seem interested in anything other than abusing you . . . I want to say sorry for being so blunt but I'm not sorry.


Get out. Get out now.


Little kaiya

Edited by Little kaiya
  • Like 3
Guest SugarSweetBear
Nods he kinda sounds scary. You deserve to be treated right n not feel uncomfortable or like you're bad. You are wonderful and deserve better, not too mention he sounds abusive.
Hun, he is emotionally abusive, and a POS in general. This is not your fault whatsoever, this is entirely his fault. I have had a partner like him, and he destroyed me mentally and emotionally. It's not worth it staying with a person like this, and I think it's in your best interest to leave him.
  • 2 weeks later...
Agreed. Telling you he’ll tell everyone your secrets if you piss him off? That is not someone to have in your life. I know it may be hard to accept it, since you’ve known him for so long, but he sounds dangerous and like an overall massive dipwad. I would suggest either telling him to smarten up and that you’ll leave if he continues to treat you like this, or just leave him anyway. No one deserves to be treated like that by someone you’ve shown so much love for.

get out. run away as fast as you can.
that is not a daddy at all. he is an abuser and he's using you.



Yeah, I concur with everyone else here. Your relationship doesn't sound healthy at all. It will probably get worse the longer you try to stay in it.


I wouldn't say your "daddy" hates you, but he certainly doesn't love you. He doesn't sound like he loves himself either. Leaving him is best for both you and him. You don't want to continue this and have it turn into full blown domestic violence.


Please be safe.

Update: I stayed it didn’t get better he crashed his car on purpose he’s okay but blames it on me I’m getting kicked outta my home because of it and I’ll have no place to call home for awhile I’m so scared

Update: I stayed it didn’t get better he crashed his car on purpose he’s okay but blames it on me I’m getting kicked outta my home because of it and I’ll have no place to call home for awhile I’m so scared

So he crashes his car on purpose, and it's *your* fault? Hell no. Hun, leave him. He is a horrible person, and this will not get better.

  • Like 1
He told everyone he was trying to kill himself. So the blame is on me and I have to go to ny now where I don’t have a home

He told everyone he was trying to kill himself. So the blame is on me and I have to go to ny now where I don’t have a home

That's in no way your fault. You are not responsible for his actions. All of that is on him, so please don't feel or make yourself believe it's your fault. I hope that you find a housing situation soon. Can your family take you back in?

That’s where we live it’s a weird situation but I lived with my family and him and my mom don’t want me to come live with her cause she’s getting remarried this week and don’t want the burden of me i just turned 18


Update: I stayed it didn’t get better he crashed his car on purpose he’s okay but blames it on me I’m getting kicked outta my home because of it and I’ll have no place to call home for awhile I’m so scared



That’s where we live it’s a weird situation but I lived with my family and him and my mom don’t want me to come live with her cause she’s getting remarried this week and don’t want the burden of me i just turned 18

Ooooooookay. So your family believes him over you regarding the car and blames you for his suicide threats. And your mom thinks her own daughter is too much of a burden to remove her from such an abusive environment. Sounds like it's not just your boyfriend who's abusive, but your whole family (if I'm understanding this correctly). Seriously, be brave and leave asap.


Do you have any friends whose families can take you in? If not, as a last resort, contact a women's shelter nearby. They're there for situations like yours.

  • Like 1
Guest PrincessSparkles35
Posted (edited)

Sweetie...I was 18 and living in a homeless shelter cause I couldn't go back to my abusive foster home. I'm 35 now. I survived and I'm okay now. I know it is terrifying stepping out on ur own, but this is necessary. You will find people that will help u and will not treat u like crap. The guy is a complete douchebag and ur mom is not very helpful.


Listen, it is hard and scary but u can do this. Go to a safe house, a shelter, any place that u feel safe away from them....you need the peace of mind and happiness. You did not cause someone else to try to end their life. They did that for whatever reason they have inside them. Please stay strong and be safe. There are more people out there that have survived and are willing to help u when u think. You just have to ask for help.

Edited by PrincessSparkles35

I must confess I did not read through the entire thread...because I saw this "he also threatens to tell everyone one and show screen shots if I piss him off"  and it stopped me in my tracks. This is NOT NOT ok. I do not have any good answers for you as to how to go about it but this is a good indicator you need to get out...now! I know it will be hard and that leaving a love behind is torture, but this type of threatening attitude from him is not healthy for you or the relationship and most likely will not cease. More than likely it will only get worse.  The only possible way that I could see this ever going away is through professional counselling and years of effort. But that will only happen if you are both WILLING. Just my humble opinion.

Guest Niet meer

The advice of PrincessSparkles35 the the best you can get.

I read through the post and I must say this really sounds like an abusive relationship to me and to a lot of other people to as I read through the post.

You must choose your own path, hard as it seems, but it is the only way to survive and to lead a happy ever after. I know I sounds like rough road... it is, but please leave this abusive man, he ain't worth being your Daddy.

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