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We are people!

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there are no sexists, there are no republicans or democrats, there are no gays or straights, there are no racists, there are no rich and no poor, there are only people, but until the world realizes this, we shall continue to live in a world of hatred and war. Until we realize this we will struggle to live our divided lives. Until we realize this, our world will continue into a downward spiral of separation and depression. Until we realize this, we will forever be left in an age of darkness and secrecy. Until we realize this, we will no longer evolve for we shall only devolce.If we live in such a perfect world, then we need to realize that it is our world we are living in together, not divided. The "United States" are far from united as one simple topic can divide the entire country and cause mayhem and evil. We are people. Nothing else, nothing more. So lets act like people and not like separatists. Lets change the way the world functions. We do have a powerful government in most countries, but change can happen to even the most corrupt. Changing 1 person in office isnt going to change n entire country, itll just change the name associated with that country. Kings, queens, presidents, dictators, supreme leaders, so on and so forth, cant change the world alone. We the people of Earth much make that change as a whole. We must strive for peace and we must strive to better not only ourselves, but all those we encounter.There is no need for dramatic actions to change whether one person do something, but there should be dramatic action taken when one tries to classify another. We are people. We are not columns or numbers, we breather the same air, drink the same water, thrive on the same planet and possibly more to come. We are people. We should stand together for peace, not against each other to start a war. We are people. We fall in love, we get sad, we get angry and scared. We get hurt, we trust we feel and even hear. now we just need to listen to the truth and realize that we cannot survive for long separated. We must truly unite to create peace. We must follow the people that look at you as a person and not someone they must satisfy in order to keep you quiet. We must stand against corruption in this nation and all nations. Corruption doesnt mean we need a new government. Corruption is the government. No matter who is at the top of it, there will always be corruption when there is a government. We are people not sheep, we dont need to be herded or counted. we need to stop being divided and work on solutions. We are progressing fast, but in what direction? A path that will lead us all to sure destruction. Stand up for yourself and stand up for all people. We are puppets in this world and the puppet masters are those at the top. You cant even freely grow your own crops. we are the people in dire need of change and unity. you can keep looking your small screens and act if nothing is happening, or you can be a person and spread true unity.


Methinks formatting would be your best friend. 

Also, since I wasn't the first to post something "controversial" (using the definition that this was posted publicly and is subject to disagreement): 


there are no sexists, there are no republicans or democrats, there are no gays or straights, there are no racists, there are no rich and no poor, there are only people


Yeah I was like that back when I was like 15. The whole "unity for the same cause" type of idea. It never works, let me tell you. Take a look at history and tell me how most revolutionary parties ended. Divided amongst themselves, because humans will always seek out smaller social groups for people more relatable to themselves. Also the fact that current political events involve specific races being targeted (immigration, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc) trying to force people into one neutral category is erasing the issue.


Perhaps I'm just cynical and pessimistic about politics and I doubt posting some political diatribe on a DDlg forum constitutes political action. 


A nice sentiment, really. But it seems a bit out of place here?

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Methinks formatting would be your best friend. 

Also, since I wasn't the first to post something "controversial" (using the definition that this was posted publicly and is subject to disagreement): 



Yeah I was like that back when I was like 15. The whole "unity for the same cause" type of idea. It never works, let me tell you. Take a look at history and tell me how most revolutionary parties ended. Divided amongst themselves, because humans will always seek out smaller social groups for people more relatable to themselves. Also the fact that current political events involve specific races being targeted (immigration, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc) trying to force people into one neutral category is erasing the issue.


Perhaps I'm just cynical and pessimistic about politics and I doubt posting some political diatribe on a DDlg forum constitutes political action. 


A nice sentiment, really. But it seems a bit out of place here?

You are not cynical or pessimistic you are realistic. and yeah thats why i put it in the general section, i wrote it last night and just wanted to share with everyone :p i know that it never works based on our history, im just stating that people want peace and longevity, yet continue in there their ways not trying to change anything. thanks for your input though :)

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