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Guest Revurx

haha can i join or is my flute playing skill not enough?


So many directions to take this one. No comment.

Guest lil_devil216

:-) it was a reference to a movie series called American pie.

hehe sowwy i dont really watch alot of tv or shows just stick to the office but other wise what is with all the one time at band camp like why is it always in a bandies sentence 

Guest lil_devil216

So many directions to take this one. No comment.

if ur hinting at one joke im thinking u are then yes im sure id be helpful for that too 

Guest Naturalselectionissexy

hehe sowwy i dont really watch alot of tv or shows just stick to the office but other wise what is with all the one time at band camp like why is it always in a bandies sentence


I'll just post the NSFW url.



Guest Revurx

Nothing wrong with admitting everything wrong with today, no matter how sarcastically.


Within the next year I hope to be 80% self sustainable. That is certainly no small feat considering the government and commercial tit we are dependent on.


How do you think would be the easiest way to make the drastic change?


80%, that's impressive. I was in that headspace a few years back. I started with my food which I'm at about 60% (90% of the meat I consume). I'm self-employed so I guess that kind of counts. Beyond that, I didn't go much further. I often think about going partially off grid and starting a modern day homestead but I don't know if I'd actually enjoy it or if I'm just romanticizing it. What do you intend on doing?

Guest lil_devil216

I'll just post the NSFW url.


okay mood haha, now i hope it wasnt the head of the flute cus then the cork would get ruined 


Nothing wrong with admitting everything wrong with today, no matter how sarcastically.

Within the next year I hope to be 80% self sustainable. That is certainly no small feat considering the government and commercial tit we are dependent on.

How do you think would be the easiest way to make the drastic change?

I’ve made a change already by turning shiz off for bedtime instead of listening to or watching things to “go to sleep”, so that I will sleep better and hopefully have more energy for activities.


And I just found my old ext harddrive with like 60MB of music I used to like listening to when I drew a lot, and have moved that onto my puter to try and get the spark back.


Real talk though? Just get off my buns and get things done. There’s never a good time to start something you don’t want to do, just gotta do it and unlazify yourself.

Guest Naturalselectionissexy

80%, that's impressive. I was in that headspace a few years back. I started with my food which I'm at about 60% (90% of the meat I consume). I'm self-employed so I guess that kind of counts. Beyond that, I didn't go much further. I often think about going partially off grid and starting a modern day homestead but I don't know if I'd actually enjoy it or if I'm just romanticizing it. What do you intend on doing?

I have lived off "grid" for years using only solar and wind for power, not to mention reverse osmosis for water. Now I am currently building Geo and solar thermal/battery greenhouses in a class 5a growing area to provide food year-round on 40 acres. Obviously that is one portion of it. Luckily it has it's own spring that can irrigate all pastures and greenhouses/domicile.


Super awesome! I wish I could take a long term survival course. Although I think that should have been our parents responsibilities.


Hehe, there are drawbacks to the parents teaching their children.  I am Native American (Navajo), my daughter's mother was Athabaskan (think Alaska) and I now live on the Spokane Reservation.  Anywho, my then four year old daughter got pretty concerned when she realized we didn't have a chimney for Santa to come down.  I quickly explained that he'd be landing on the balcony porch we had.  Was quite proud of myself for that seamless b.s. for all of about two seconds until she announced happily that she'd be able to add reindeer tracks to her collection (of tracks she could identify).  I spent X-mas Eve making fake tracks in the snow for her to find in the morning.  Hadn't thought of that in a while...good memory.

Guest lil_devil216

I have lived off "grid" for years using only solar and wind for power, not to mention reverse osmosis for water. Now I am currently building Geo and solar thermal/battery greenhouses in a class 5a growing area to provide food year-round on 40 acres. Obviously that is one portion of it. Luckily it has it's own spring that can irrigate all pastures and greenhouses/domicile.

okay wow thats impresive, it would be so cool to see that

Guest Naturalselectionissexy

Hehe, there are drawbacks to the parents teaching their children.  I am Native American (Navajo), my daughter's mother was Athabaskan (think Alaska) and I now live on the Spokane Reservation.  Anywho, my then four year old daughter got pretty concerned when she realized we didn't have a chimney for Santa to come down.  I quickly explained that he'd be landing on the balcony porch we had.  Was quite proud of myself for that seamless b.s. for all of about two seconds until she announced happily that she'd be able to add reindeer tracks to her collection (of tracks she could identify).  I spent X-mas Eve making fake tracks in the snow for her to find in the morning.  Hadn't thought of that in a while...good memory.

Maybe dont perpetuate lies? Who knows... maybe Santa does exist and I did get coal every year from him.


Always great to have smart kiddos!

  • Like 1

Maybe dont perpetuate lies? Who knows... maybe Santa does exist and I did get coal every year from him.


Always great to have smart kiddos!



No doubt and I like the way you think...but yeah, 'maybe' is the key word.  I didn't celebrate X-mas the first two years of her life while I wrestled with conflicting thoughts on the matter.  Eventually I settled on 'My discomfort in perpetuating this b.s. is preferable to her discomfort if she starts out in school being ostracized because she's the only kid not talking about what Santa brought her'.  Never was completely happy with that choice, but double binds exist in life and no where is that more apparent than in raising children.

Guest lil_devil216

No doubt and I like the way you think...but yeah, 'maybe' is the key word.  I didn't celebrate X-mas the first two years of her life while I wrestled with conflicting thoughts on the matter.  Eventually I settled on 'My discomfort in perpetuating this b.s. is preferable to her discomfort if she starts out in school being ostracized because she's the only kid not talking about what Santa brought her'.  Never was completely happy with that choice, but double binds exist in life and no where is that more apparent than in raising children.

while i think it is alright to not celebrate cirten holidays and all that i think it would still be beneficial for a kid to know about them and let them have a say in weather or not they also wanna participate in the holiday, and then they can choose there own beliefs in a way.

  • Like 1
Guest Naturalselectionissexy
Never raised a kid of my own so I can't provide any prospective! Sounds like you did the best job possible. I'm so blunt and direct I don't think I would be able to say anything about Christmas, Easter, Valentine's, etc. I would have to explain them as revenue producing events for the masses.
  • Like 1
Guest Revurx

Never raised a kid of my own so I can't provide any prospective! Sounds like you did the best job possible. I'm so blunt and direct I don't think I would be able to say anything about Christmas, Easter, Valentine's, etc. I would have to explain them as revenue producing events for the masses.


I had a hard time with this for I feel the same way. When mine was too young to even understand I just went along with whatever our family/extended family was doing on holidays. As she got a little older I focused on making her a critical thinker. I made her look into the holidays and their history. My hope was for her to find the answers and form a rational opinion on her own, and she did. At the same time, I was concerned with turning her into a cynic or ruining her imagination (that was often the argument other adults would present me with ) but I found other ways to highlight and instill the importance of imagination. 

  • Like 1
Guest lil_devil216

I had a hard time with this for I feel the same way. When mine was too young to even understand I just went along with whatever our family/extended family was doing on holidays. As she got a little older I focused on making her a critical thinker. I made her look into the holidays and their history. My hope was for her to find the answers and form a rational opinion on her own, and she did. At the same time, I was concerned with turning her into a cynic or ruining her imagination (that was often the argument other adults would present me with ) but I found other ways to highlight and instill the importance of imagination. 

yeah id want my kid to make up its own mind and not just do stuff cus others are doing it and its a big thing blah blah blah they should have a choice and see all sides 

Guest Revurx

So long as their choices are grounded in truth and rational. At the end of the day, I call the shots and I make the rules while she's under my guidance.

Guest lil_devil216

So long as their choices are grounded in truth and rational. At the end of the day, I call the shots and I make the rules while she's under my guidance.

i think shes got a pretty good dad to show her the best life she can have 


Within the next year I hope to be 80% self sustainable. That is certainly no small feat considering the government and commercial tit we are dependent on.


How do you think would be the easiest way to make the drastic change?


Awesome!  You may be interested in this sfw link http://dkeenan.com/Flametree.pdf The Flametree Project To Save Life On Earth. It's described as "A planetwide 15-year strategy for ordinary people to reduce consumption, increase self-reliance and achieve personal health and ecological security"


One of the easiest ways I can think of is to band together with neighbors. This reduces redundancy and you all can share skills.


At this point, due to humanity's failure to solve some major problems (like climate change), we're probably going to face a civilizational collapse within a decade or less. I hope I'm wrong about this, but with the increasing frequency of natural disasters, drought, etc and barely even half-measures of real change, it's unlikely. And if anyone thinks I'm being extremist about this, I've read several in depth articles about humans going extinct in 8-12 years, which I disagree with (unless somebody launches a nuclear bomb).


We should all learn at least some basic self-sufficiency skills for life without the internet/electricity. And learn to engage with our real life communities more.


Cool trick for off-grid hot water: Build a compost pile above and around a curled up hose. As the compost decomposes, it creates a lot of heat. The more length of hose that travels through this "oven", the more time water will have to heat up.

Refrigeration: Two clay pots, one smaller than the other. Place the one inside the other and put food you wish to keep cool in it. Fill the space in between the bigger pot and the smaller one with wet sand. As the water evaporates, the sand will get cold, pulling heat out of the small pot, keeping the food inside cool.


Also I know a little about foraging wild food! I try to learn more about this all the time. Dandelions, common and broadleaf plantains, pine needles, black raspberries, wineberries, etc. I've never tried, but I know in an emergency all eggs are edible, so it doesn't matter what species it is.


Having a hand powered water filter is good, but also know how to identify a healthy source of water! If you see lots of fish, crayfish, insects, and other life, that's a great sign! But huge warning for sparkling clear water with nothing living in it - it's probably poisoned with something colorless.


Im a professional Trainer of the identities of BDSM. Mommies, Daddies, Dom/mes, subs, littles, Tops, Bottomes, and more. Ive trained couples, singles and newbies. And I help spread good information and class notifications for the more serious kinks. :)

Posted (edited)

I love this topic of making people question what they really bring to a relationship in ways that make them stand out from others in a positive sense for their partners. On the other hand, I guess many people would be worried they'd be bragging too much. I'm slightly confused why it turned into a long back and forth about how long you're hypothetically able to survive in an apocalypse, because that's generally not really relevant to our daily lives. As a student I wasn't going to fill my tiny room with torches and back-up generators in case the power went out :D But I did just fine in my relationship at the time, because I'm financially & emotionally stable which made it easy for me to be there for my partner and take her out to many lovely experiences together.


At this point, due to humanity's failure to solve some major problems (like climate change), we're probably going to face a civilizational collapse within a decade or less. I hope I'm wrong about this, but with the increasing frequency of natural disasters, drought, etc and barely even half-measures of real change, it's unlikely. And if anyone thinks I'm being extremist about this, I've read several in depth articles about humans going extinct in 8-12 years, which I disagree with (unless somebody launches a nuclear bomb).


This is deeply unlikely, especially within the next decade in my opinion. I don't doubt there's people who believe in this, and when you do, most people would want to warn as many others around them for the upcoming apocalypse as well to best prepare mankind for its inevitable demise. On the other hand, crushing poverty and hunger has been drastically reduced worldwide, almost everyone has access to fresh water, we produce more food than we could eat, technology is rapidly advancing to help us deal with many of these issues we're currently concerned about. For the first time we live on a planet where we don't have any real resource shortage, and instead all of our problems are psychological.


The only real threat we have is letting people who gain in some way from general division (politics, media, ...) gain too much influence by firing people up to physically assault each other. Fortunately we see a huge trend towards independent commentary, with most people generally distrusting any influential source making dubious claims unless there's piles of evidence to support it that goes beyond "anonymous sources claim" and "some random reports show..."


As for climate change, we can estimate trends, but because of the complexity there's no one who has a real answer of what exactly would happen. All we can do is guess. We've seen some truly devastating predictions, ridiculous predictions (thanks Al Gore), but also very mild predictions that in 100 years, climate change will lower the worldwide GDP by about 10%, which is basically nothing over that period of time. With technology rapidly advancing, like class IV nuclear reactors, we find ourselves in a situation where spending $100 today may do less to reduce our carbon footprint than spending $10 next year. Is it really so bad to combat climate change with a combination of making sure the current needs of the people are met, while having a powerful economy that motivates people to invest and develop new products?

Edited by VentralStriatum
Guest 37stitches

What makes me unique? I was taught to build a computer and an engine when I was 5 years old and learnt to ride geared bikes when I was 7 (albeit small bikes but they were still 6-speed, 1 down, 5 up) and learnt to drive a manual car sitting on my fathers lap not long after that! 


To survive long term and provide a stable future, the plan was originally to get paid racing bikes but I stopped that a looooong time ago. Nowadays I'm just coming to the end of a Computer Science degree, graduating this July and in the process of lining up a post grad job as a technician! So I guess if the power goes off then I'd help get the power back on!... Y'know... Assuming the power going out was somehow related to a Computer somewhere...

Guest QueenJellybean

oh my gosh, i love this topic. 


let's see. 

unique, sorta weird skills jellybean possesses! 


i work with wolves. 

i started in college + just kept volunteering at wildlife sanctuaries in the area.

The Giant + i have spent the weekend with 60+ wolf hybrids to care for all by ourselves before.

so i have experience with rigging up a water filtration system, dealing with animals + hiking!

we used an atv to get up + down the mountain that the sanctuary was on + i often drove, so i've got experience with rough terrain types. 


i also had (i haven't renewed it..) a snowmobiling license, which is kinda cool.

+ i know how to ice fish. 

... which might be useful, if it was winter? lol. 


i also have a certification in thanatology! (the study of death + dying)

which isn't useful at all in a survival setting, but i guess i do have a lot more knowledge about grief, death customs + burials than the average person?

i've also been mentoring people in bdsm for a couple years now! which is sorta cool. 


i was also raised italian, so i know how to make pasta, calzones/bread, soup stock + tomato sauce from scratch! 

along with wine + sausage if you have the proper equipment. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, great topic ^_^


I'm unique just as I'm me, just like everybody else.


For this topic I would say I'm professinal engineer, so I can design and build you almost anything you wish ( mah moneyz comes from this XD ). I'm working on building the most amazing, newist tech on this planet that is already starting to change the world and how people perceive the world, it will totally change how we think ( and this is not just marketing speech ;) ).


Other ways I'm making difference in the world is supporting other people. I hate the buzz word but empowering others. I mentor people and try to make them find their path and confidence, I try to show good example and be inspiration in the way that I'm excited and happy about what I do. I try to get people more relaxed and accepting on how we all are just humans, bit faulty but still pretty perfect in our own ways. Trying to make them see that there is no one correct way. Trying to show at least small piece of the bigger picture we all are part of. I'm also involved with getting girls and women to tech fields AND getting them stay there :p


At work I'm also mastermind schemer who plots to get people work better with each other, to gain better relationships and good work environment for us all. So, manipulation can be used for good too ^_^


Relationshipwise... I will always in the end have my partners back. No matter how pissed off I am, or how I happen to hate them on that moment, if they need me, I'm there. I'm supportive over whatever they want to achieve in life and can go at great lenghts to offer them help there. Just like I try to progress and learn new things all the time, I try to help my partner do the same and offer them ideas over what could benefit them. I always take the desires, wants and needs of my partner into account and combine those with my own wishes as I'm sort of flexible with the way I can reach things I want.


And I have pretty amazing problem solving skills ( I'm trained to do this actually ). Still haven't encountered problem I can't tackle if I really want to which imo is beneficial in rels.




Realisticly if power really goes out ( in case of war or whatever ), I'm there to rebuild infrastucture and networks back, so... :) I would support having our society running the best way possible considering circumstances.


But if thinking the apocaplypse scenario: I have trained survival skills in wild, I'm experimented with hydroponics and other planting systems, have my own mini gargen and growing platforms... And I'm planning on one day to buy piece of land where to build minihouse that can be ( somewhat ) selfsustained if needed. If I'm too rich at that point, there will be bombshelter. And I call myself eccentric, not weird or crazy ;P

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Guest Naturalselectionissexy
So many great responses. So few responses overall :-(

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