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Free color pages for the Littles

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YAY colorings I can actually hang up in my room!!!!!!

Guest LittleKittenEyes

This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing <3


I dunno what to color first :o


The websites I have are in German, but just click on the picture and you get a printable pdf:


http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/102-dalmatiner.html   (102 Dalmatians)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/planes-2.html   (Disney Planes 2)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/die-eiskoenigin.html   (Frozen)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles.html   (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/disney-planes.html   (Disneys Planes)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/star-wars.html   (Star Wars)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/monster-uni.html  (Monsters University)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/tom-und-jerry.html  (Tom and Jerry)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/blau-schlau.html   (Blue's Clues)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/gluecksbaerchis.html  (Carebears)

http://www.gratis-malvorlagen.net/sesamstrasse.html  (Sesame Street)


Here is the complete list on things they have, but it's all in German, that's why I posted some above first:



And this one has gifs next to the names so you will know where to look:

http://www.ausmalbilder.info/malbuch/(no pdfs though)

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