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Surprising my Daddy

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Hiya! So I am starting this topic to hopefully see how I can surprise my Daddy next month. 


My Daddy and I are in a long distance relationship, with me being in Ohio and he is in Maryland. We try to see each other every month but this next month we aren't going to see each other because he is starting up a food truck and can't leave to be with me for a couple of days, because he is the primary owner of the business. However, he is off on Sundays and only works the morning shifts on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. So I would want it to be sometime around then.


He lives with his parents, so I would need to get permission from his parents to let me stay while I'm visiting, but I have his mom's phone number so I have no problem getting in contact with her. 


Long story short: I need ideas of how to surprise him. Please help me out!


Thanks in advance!




Junebug xxx

Ok so it's not much but for some reason I just have this image of you showing up at his food truck and being like "Hey, can I get a *insert food item here*?" Then him looking up and totally freaking out in surprise, so hope that idea helps :p

Ok so it's not much but for some reason I just have this image of you showing up at his food truck and being like "Hey, can I get a *insert food item here*?" Then him looking up and totally freaking out in surprise, so hope that idea helps :p

See, this is why I need people because even though this idea is so obvious to someone like you, it didn't even come to my mind! This is a great idea! Although, I'm not sure how easy it will be to find his food truck because he moves around a lot. So, I will have to think of some way around that. 


Thanks for your suggestion!



Junebug xxx

Does the food truck business have a Facebook or social media page? I know alot of moving mobile businesses tend to rely alot on social media to get the word our on where they are on any given day because that's how they get customers in and stuff so yeah :)

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