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Witchy Littles

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Personally, I've always been fascinated by monsters and the paranormal. I started exploring Wicca and witchcraft about six years ago, and fell out of it because I started to resent the craft due to the toxic people in the community.


Now, I am exploring Lokean Wicca and Heathenism, and I have to say it has done wonders for my little space. I think this is because you have to be very open-minded to practice witchcraft (I mean *actual* witchcraft -- not Harry Potter BS). Working on my Grimoire and working on Pagan coloring pages have become some of my favorite little space activities. It also helps a lot that my diety, Loki, is genderfluid and that makes me feel more comfortable about my own gender identity.


Are there any other little witches out there?

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Guest Swadloon

I feel like most of the Pagans I know got into it initially through Wicca, which I did too. I was introduced to it to by a very good family friend.  After a few years of practice guided by this wonderful lady, I was old enough to join a study group in a lineaged Wiccan tradition.  So I did, and absolutely hated it.  The folks heading the group made me feel quite uncomfortable.  I was offered to join their coven proper after I completed the year and a day of study, but didn't, and a few months later I had my butt back in a pew in the Lutheran church my mum and I went together to as I was growing up. Yup, I was that uncomfortable.


Christianity never really sat well with me, and I spent the next few years trying so hard to convince myself it was right for me.  I eventually gave up and dug my old personal Book of Shadows, notes, altar things, what have you out of my closet on a whim, and have stuck to Paganism since.


There's a lot I learned from traditional Wicca, but my return to Paganism was far more successful by reconnecting with my roots - getting to know the Gods, mythologies, and practices of my distant ancestors. Currently I'm an adherent of Rodnovery (Slavic Native Faith, and we are not talking the crazy nationalist white-supremacy branch thankyouverymuch) and a witch.  But since there is such an emphasis on community ritual in Rodnovery, I wish there was a local community I could join.  Slavic Neopaganism ain't a big thing over here. Right now I just chill with the heathens in my city - you say Thor, I say Perun...

I started my path as a Christian witch. I realize that sounds counter intuitive, but we/they exist. I come from a line of witches, and spell craft came easy to me. As I got older, the less Christianity made sense. I researched and meditated and began studying Celtic Paganism and Druidry. I'm now dedicated to Bridget and the Morrigan, and consider myself a solitary hedge witch. I have never been Wiccan.
Posted (edited)

I feel like most of the Pagans I know got into it initially through Wicca, which I did too. I was introduced to it to by a very good family friend. After a few years of practice guided by this wonderful lady, I was old enough to join a study group in a lineaged Wiccan tradition. So I did, and absolutely hated it. The folks heading the group made me feel quite uncomfortable. I was offered to join their coven proper after I completed the year and a day of study, but didn't, and a few months later I had my butt back in a pew in the Lutheran church my mum and I went together to as I was growing up. Yup, I was that uncomfortable.


Christianity never really sat well with me, and I spent the next few years trying so hard to convince myself it was right for me. I eventually gave up and dug my old personal Book of Shadows, notes, altar things, what have you out of my closet on a whim, and have stuck to Paganism since.


There's a lot I learned from traditional Wicca, but my return to Paganism was far more successful by reconnecting with my roots - getting to know the Gods, mythologies, and practices of my distant ancestors. Currently I'm an adherent of Rodnovery (Slavic Native Faith, and we are not talking the crazy nationalist white-supremacy branch thankyouverymuch) and a witch. But since there is such an emphasis on community ritual in Rodnovery, I wish there was a local community I could join. Slavic Neopaganism ain't a big thing over here. Right now I just chill with the heathens in my city - you say Thor, I say Perun...

Rodnovery sounds really similar to Asatru or Heathenism, which is the worship of the ancient Norse Gods. I am interested in it, but haven't ventured much into it because of the Neo-Nazi following. Edited by XmochiX

Rodnovery sounds really similar to Asatru or Heathenism, which is the worship of the ancient Norse Gods. I am interested in it, but haven't ventured much into it because of the Neo-Nazi following.

If it makes you feel better, I know many who follow the Asatru path. None of them are Neo-Nazi. The faith, for the most part, does not agree with the politics of that particular group of people. Just like not all Muslims are extremists, the same goes for Asatru.

  • Like 1

If it makes you feel better, I know many who follow the Asatru path. None of them are Neo-Nazi. The faith, for the most part, does not agree with the politics of that particular group of people. Just like not all Muslims are extremists, the same goes for Asatru.

Yes, I figured as much. I have found some racist Asatru blogs on Tumblr, though, but I'm happy to say that the good outnumber the bad.

The main reason I decided to stick with Wicca is because of a lack of information on Asatru. No one seems to be able to tell me what it is about aside from what was translated of the Eddas and the Hamavel.


i tried wicca, i was a natural but something went wrong on a ritual and f...ed me up for almost 10 years.


as regards paranormal, all women in my moms blood line can ''see'' so i got many stories to share, even if i hide them most of the time, i dont wanna remember....


be very careful with these things please.


I'm witchy but... I don't wanna talk back story haha

Happy for this group to exist though, means we can all talk likemindedly. Even get ideas if we're stuck on something. 


i tried wicca, i was a natural but something went wrong on a ritual and f...ed me up for almost 10 years.


as regards paranormal, all women in my moms blood line can ''see'' so i got many stories to share, even if i hide them most of the time, i dont wanna remember....


be very careful with these things please.

Sadly, that's not all that unusual. As I said, I stopped practicing because of the toxic Wiccan community that exists online. My ex-husband and the High Priest who was mentoring me made me feel like garbage, and other Pagans in Europe outright hate Wiccans.


There are many so-called covens that require donations or sex rites before allowing new initiates to join or study with them. Obvisiouly, those are scams. The High Priest mentioned created a chat room for witches, but was quick to shoot down any Wiccan practice except for his own and said real witches only shopped at the online store that he owned personally.


Sadly, that's not all that unusual. As I said, I stopped practicing because of the toxic Wiccan community that exists online. My ex-husband and the High Priest who was mentoring me made me feel like garbage, and other Pagans in Europe outright hate Wiccans.


There are many so-called covens that require donations or sex rites before allowing new initiates to join or study with them. Obvisiouly, those are scams. The High Priest mentioned created a chat room for witches, but was quick to shoot down any Wiccan practice except for his own and said real witches only shopped at the online store that he owned personally.

pff what a joke ;p


I've always been extremelyy interested in this topic. I have also always wanted to get involved in it, but I haven't known of a safe way to do so or...well, with what would really work. Can anyone help me out?


I've always been extremelyy interested in this topic. I have also always wanted to get involved in it, but I haven't known of a safe way to do so or...well, with what would really work. Can anyone help me out?

Research, then research your research. Seriously, there is no harm in reading everything you can find. The danger is when people start messing with things they don't respect or understand.

Every new witch has to find their own path, and the only way to do that is to educate yourself.


Oh, and I recommend books and a library, not just the internet.


Hello, I am not a witch nor wiccan but a Theistic Luciferian. I do have a great interest in wiccans/pagans and I occasionally do herbal healings too.

However, I am very sorry for people that compare you to satanism/luciferianism.


For anyone interested in learning, I cannot recommend religioustolerance.org enough. Just make sure you have your ad blocker enabled. If you would like any recommendations on books to read, please feel free to message me.


Also @Floofball, as a Lokean witch, I feel like I'm as close to a Pagan Satan worshipper as you can get. Apparently, He and my bae, Fenrir, are the two deities most often considered to be Nordic Satan. Which, honestly, just makes me giggle since I don't believe in Satan.

Posted (edited)

I'm a Witchy Little


My path and views differ

So I don't talk about it because I don't fit the acceptance criteria requirement set by most

Edited by lacey bunny
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I'm a Witchy Little


My path and views differ

So I don't talk about it because I don't fit the acceptance criteria requirement set by most

This makes me sad. My path has no requirement save being honest and true to myself...I don't understand a faith having acceptance criteria requirements.


This makes me sad. My path has no requirement save being honest and true to myself...I don't understand a faith having acceptance criteria requirements.

): Sorry to make you sad

Was not my intent

No worries, not sad for me hun, sad for society.
I'm not Wiccan or pagan, but I do believe in the paranormal and have had horrible experiences from it. Font want to disclose exactly what happened publicly, but let's just say I'm not allowed near Ouija boards or the harpeth river..... and I have scars on my back that aren't from me
  • 10 months later...
Guest nellassang
I'm very interested in wicca and I've read a few books about it but i never actually practiced it
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'm Christian and a beginning witch!!

Within the last couple years I have looked into Wicca, Druidism, and overall pagan teachings. Druidism resonates the most with me, but there is so much overlap between these three things it seems. I was recently reading a book about Shamanism around the world and in different cultures, written by a practicing Wiccan.

The common theme that sings to me is that nature is everything and has so much to teach  :wub: On top of all of this, I am a catholic. I really do think the ideals can co-mingle. People should be free to practice whatever they want as long as they are not harming others. Especially if it improves the person so they can better thrive and feel at peace with themselves. 

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