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Telling my bf I want to try age regression?

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Hello my name is Yuli,


     I've never posted on here before. But I'm going through a hard time in my life. I've been diagnosed with PTSD and am trying to find coping mechanisms. Realizing I've had a rough time in my first few adult years I feel safer when I'm in a more childlike state. My boyfriend is somewhat childish himself and we both collect toys. He'll buy me cat ears for me to wear and we buy each other candy and video games and stuff. He's being very wary of my mental health and trying to not stress me out with "big kid" stuff. Like telling me when bills are due, knowing how many hours I'm working, and how much money I have.


     Telling him I feel drawn to the little lifestyle or just the age regression part of it is kind of embarrassing. I don't know how to tell him I'm not quite open to the fetish part of it because of my past. He's a very sexual person and we're needing to work on intimacy because of my PTSD. At the moment I have no capacity to be sexual at all. He doesn't even want to touch me because he's afraid of what it would do to me.


      Is this something that's right to delve into? Should I just keep this to myself? I can be happy on my own with my "adult coloring books", small plushies, and crafts. Yet it's giving me anxiety thinking I'm weirding him out if I talk in a baby voice (or I meow and I do have small fits). Idk I'm just having an identity crisis. :unsure:



Guest Aetherr
Posted (edited)

okay.. i see alot here i feel compelled to talk about firstly, there's nothing wrong with who you are if you and your partner are already in this lifestyle i don't see it being such a large stretch that he will atleast hear you out and want to discuss it


another thing i will say and it may not be my place but have you done any research into some more healthy coping mechanisms, something that doesn't result in you completely avoiding any adult stuff?

as i said its not my place to judge, you do you and more power to ya but it strikes me as something that should be addressed


never keep who you are to yourself if you can be honest with yourself then you owe it to your partner to be honest with him, tell him what you have told us and there's a solid chance he will be receptive though i don't know him personally which always makes threads like this a difficult thing to answer especially if i hope to pass on anything useful.


also this doesn't sound right to me, you tell us he is a very sexual person yet he is scared to touch you.. again i'm not judging i just see little things like that and think something needs to be done about this


there is nothing wrong with being non-sexual and certainly nothing wrong with mental illness i suffer from a few myself but i would hope you are seeking some kind of long term treatment so you have have a less difficult life..


if you found anything i said upsetting i do apologize but i only spoke it how i saw it.. i hope you get the best outcome!

Edited by Aetherr
Guest superatomic

Just from experience, I've found that therapy helps a lot with PTSD...some doctors do a sliding scale if you can't afford it or don't have insurance. 

As so age reg. in my experience baby steps (lol, get it? GET IT?!) helped me the most. We started with one "little" thing sexually and moved on slowly, making sure that everyone was enjoying it before we jumped into anything else. For me, it started with high socks. Realizing my partner was really into my socks was really special. We went shopping for socks together before we even moved on to sex and for me having "foreplay" (I guess) like that really put me in the mood. Then I started wearing my socks around the house...then MONTHS later, the sex happened and it was great! So if I can offer any advice it is don't be afraid to go really slowly. :) 


okay.. i see alot here i feel compelled to talk about firstly, there's nothing wrong with who you are if you and your partner are already in this lifestyle i don't see it being such a large stretch that he will atleast hear you out and want to discuss it


another thing i will say and it may not be my place but have you done any research into some more healthy coping mechanisms, something that doesn't result in you completely avoiding any adult stuff?

as i said its not my place to judge, you do you and more power to ya but it strikes me as something that should be addressed


never keep who you are to yourself if you can be honest with yourself then you owe it to your partner to be honest with him, tell him what you have told us and there's a solid chance he will be receptive though i don't know him personally which always makes threads like this a difficult thing to answer especially if i hope to pass on anything useful.


also this doesn't sound right to me, you tell us he is a very sexual person yet he is scared to touch you.. again i'm not judging i just see little things like that and think something needs to be done about this


there is nothing wrong with being non-sexual and certainly nothing wrong with mental illness i suffer from a few myself but i would hope you are seeking some kind of long term treatment so you have have a less difficult life..


if you found anything i said upsetting i do apologize but i only spoke it how i saw it.. i hope you get the best outcome!

Hey yeah,


You're right. The struggle of him being sexual but also afraid to touch me is the hardest and most frustrating topic for us. We're not partaking in any kink fetishes or fantasies because my mental health taking a low dip within the last few months. The entire situation in a whole is messed up because him having a very strong sex drive he turns to other mediums to relieve his strong urges. You can probably guess what those mediums are. There's just no drive in me to be intimate whatsoever and its not his fault at all. With my anxiety running high and stress getting to me the smallest things will start to cause flashbacks for me. My legs being pinned down in tickle fights makes me scream in terror and I start swinging my fists. If the refrigerator is low on food i'll have a panic attack and won't be able to calm down to go to work. Unfortunately intimacy is something I have high anxiety about so it's me very much causing the problems there.


Still I've actually been going to therapy and have been going for a few weeks. I was finally professionally diagnosed with PTSD and I've been given tips on how to handle my adult problems. i.e. my finances, physical health, meal planning ect.


You are completely right I hope I can be confident in who I am and hiding my true self is a disservice to me and my partner. With my treatment i'm hoping I can get my thoughts back in order but I also want to be excited about the things that make me happy. Age regression i've learned is one of the things but I know it won't cure my PTSD. I'm very much working on being a well functioning adult as well ^////^


But don't worry bout upsetting me. I know the whole topic is confusing. Tho so is my brain.... welcome to my brain xD


I age regress to deal with anxiety and depression, and traumatic stuff from my past. Essentially to get back the childhood I never had. It makes me feel amazing after a stressful day or just when I want to, and I think it would help with your PTSD greatly. 


I think you should start by maybe introducing him to age regression and telling him it's something that can help you. He's already on the right path by easing your mental strain when he doesn't talk about "big" stuff (which should be addressed eventually ^^) Talking about adult stuff when I'm regressed puts me out my little mindset and stresses me out. If he cares about you he'll understand and want to learn about it with you.


I have no advice for your repulsion for being touched, but I hope you can work everything out. <3 

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