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The compositions of a mad man

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Guest Wolf0993
Posted (edited)
What is hell? Is it a place of fire and brimstone or a place of emtyness? Maybe it could be a place of eternal suffering of a place of never being loved? Well what if I told you it was closer that those just what if when your eyes open for the first time you were there. To me hell is near. It's a place where malevolent falconears release there steel birds into the hearts of our city's. Where demonic beings take the purity from the pure. A place where shadows light the sky and leave the lights out. A place a land a home. Being kill there mother for money and enslave there brothers for greed. What is hell? Look around we are here and we have no way out. But from the shadows of the blackened sky a few candle lights are seen. Those who dear to hold them are hunted and persecuted for it yet they stand never swaying or faulting. Edited by Wolf0993
Guest Wolf0993
Wounded and scared I waled hesitant to open to be human I lived. Then I found you and let you in. Boy when will I ever learn not to. Now while you still have my heart I must cut the parts you hold onto away. Smaller and smaller it's become over the years most is gone. With a blank look upon my face and a few tears rolling down my cheek I plunge the blade in once again. Smaller. From the back of my mind I hear him laughing. He knows my kindness and love will set him free. Those chains that bind him weaken every time. So for no I cry alone. Smaller. The pain of knowing he will win is gone.
Guest Mossy
Posted (edited)


Edited by Mossy
Guest Wolf0993

I really like this line. Felt it was powerful. We do that....continue to punish ourselves by cutting out the good because some A hole keeps clutching on or let us go yet we cannot do so ourselves. Keep writing :0)


Will do

Guest Wolf0993
Both broken and lost in the dark. Neither able to see the light or willing to put up a fight. We wondered around like dogs in the pound. Clinging onto something from the past knowing it would never last. A question asked now lies behind a broken mask. Never knowing what should have been all we know is we both have sin. Fading away as you stay on the bay. Soon ill be a memory while your mind never leaves the informory.
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  • 1 year later...
I'd wondered if this was still here. Thankfully it is
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